MovieChat Forums > diezman > Replies
diezman's Replies
My favorite band of all time!
Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti
Ten Years Gone
Me too!
Yes, a wimpy winter so far indeed! I just fear what is in store for February and March! Hopefully we'll have an early spring.
She sticks up for what she believes. Have to respect that even if you disagree with her. I love this woman!
I can't complain. Weather here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is usually treacherous at this time of year. So far our winter has been very mild. Only about 6 inches of snow and no below zero temperatures yet.
Yes it was! I remember seeing it twice at the cinema. Twister was also the first DVD I bought a few years later.
SJP may not be the most attractive but she had a killer body back in her Sex and the City days.
I remember seeing back when it was first released. I thought it was a cool series. Not one that I'd watch repeatedly but still fun.
I enjoyed The Blair Witch Project but the found footage films quickly became stale soon after in my opinion.
Star Wars
The Breakfast Club
I watch Fame, Get Crazy and Twilight Zone episodes every New Years Eve.
One of the most unsettling movies I've ever seen. To each his own.
Seriously? I'll wait til it comes out on bluray and rent it for 3 bucks.
True but Godzilla got hit by a nuke and survived.
The Thing 1982
The Exorcist
Don't Be Afraid of the Dark 1973 (tv movie)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
An American Werewolf in London
Exorcist III
The Howling
Great song from a very talented artist. Many people don't know that Christopher Cross is an amazing guitarist.
There is one about 45 miles away. There is also a record show twice a year at the University about 90 miles from here. I use eBay once in a while.