diezman's Replies

You make some good points. I don't remember a lot of marketing for this film back in 1982. Don't remember a preview in the theater or trailers on TV. The first time I heard of The Thing was from an ad in Fangoria or Famous Monsters. The first time seeing this movie was on HBO a year after it was released in theaters. Culver's is the best I would really love to learn how to write better. I enjoy writing short stories but my grammar is terrible. You make a good point. I'm not crazy about the cinematography and lighting in recent movies either. I'm sure I pissed off a few people! My wife is beautiful and I'm below average when it comes to looks. We said "Fried" 😃 I was on IMDb from 2000 and don't remember you. I really didn't post that much however. I'm probably in the minority here but laugh tracks do not bother me. I tried to watch MASH without the laugh track and it wasn't the same. Probably nostalgia being that I remember watching MASH when it was a new show. Yes I enjoy building scale model cars. I think you're full of shit. One of my all-time favorite movies. Wow! 34 years old😳 I heard he was a jerk. I still love his movies and find him hilarious! Well said! Yes. I work at a nursing home. Huge Attention Whore Why not? Wow. That halftime show was dogshit. Edgy One of the sexiest women ever in my opinion! Pam Grier was smoking hot back then. She was still hot in Jackie Brown years later.