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When you see a hot girl with an ugly dude does it piss you off?

It pisses me off. When you see a hot dude and hot girl you go its ok this is law of nature, when when its an ugly dude its just unnnatural.


This song is for for you Bobby:


i loved that mtv show


Eh, I’m not very good looking, I’m rather plain and unnoticeable. I’d say good for him for landing a beauty👍


No, however, being fair....

When I see this, my first thought is always.....

"Guess he's got a few bucks"


I'm sure I pissed off a few people! My wife is beautiful and I'm below average when it comes to looks.


Your wife is very Beautiful..................Oh wait!! I never saw a picture of her ✌


Why would it piss you off?

Are you single, and unable to find a woman? It makes no sense why you would be pissed off.

Maybe SHE find him attractive?

Also....people mesh on many different levels other than just looks.


No, I don't have a problem with that. It usually means he's got other things going for him, namely money/status, a good personality, an enviable wang, or all three.

In this day and age, you should only be getting triggered when you see a decent white woman with a non-white man, especially since they always target blondes and red heads.

Normally I wouldn't give a fuck about who white women date, but every white nation is in the midst of being invaded by half the third world and every non-white person is secretly ecstatic about this (scratch the surface and they'll admit it - millions of them on social media and beyond), thus the last thing we need is our own women giving birth to more Mohammeds, DaShawntays and Krishna's.


generally, women are not into looks but prefer power, ego and money.


When you see a hot girl with an ugly dude does it piss you off?
posted 2 days ago by BobbyNiner (549)
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It pisses me off. When you see a hot dude and hot girl you go its ok this is law of nature, when when its an ugly dude its just unnatural."

It's what is in the heart that matters the most, not on the outside
