MovieChat Forums > ProgSinister > Replies
ProgSinister's Replies
Ghost Rider
Jar Jar Binks returns, and he will be played by Adam Sandler.
...then Chewbacca joins in
Corpse bride?
Keep doing that, Potter, and you'll go blind.
Walking Dead
Hack = slang for journalist
saw = witnessed
fold = ridge
You're good at this.
Journalist witnessed fold
Blair Witch Project
come, good food, come.
Because if someone comes back as a Force Ghost then who cares if they die in the first place? Rei dies? Never mind, bring her back as a ghost.
For what it's worth, all the characters in the new trilogy are so badly written I don't care if they all die.
Be my guest, I can wait.
" The prequels were better written " ROTFL
Very good! Now you can get this one:
Teletubby's profile escapade!
Zombie teletubby consumed committee.
I wouldn't have got it without Shogun's suggestion. Is 'Joe' slang for coffee?