MovieChat Forums > nolerhett > Replies
nolerhett's Replies
I think the only topic being addressed was how marginalized people (gay clergy members, illegal immigrants, the labor party, and etc ...) have to make extremely difficult choices b/c they very little power and/or control. For some in the show the choices were life and death, while for others the consequences were less extreme.
I think you're confusing pushing a political agenda with uncomfortable topics you'd rather pretend don't exist.
Also, who got away with making horrible decisions? I saw consequences for most if not all of the characters. I guess some were less obvious than others but you were probably too busy being offended by the "political agendas" to have noticed.
I'd give this a 6 at best, but when you take into account that TV shows are almost always rated at least a point higher than they should be, this would probably be at least a 7.3 if was a US production. As it's French and subtitled it doesn't get graded on that curve.
I too plowed through the entire series in a day, and it was entertaining. I just really hate how so many of these serialized crime mysteries make their protagonists emotionally unstable morons so it takes 6+ episodes to catch or not catch the killer(s).
Yeah, there's no need to single out women for that poor effort. My only complaint would be that b/c it's driven almost entirely by strong female characters it ends up being graded (rated) on some sort of curve. The same thing happened with wonder women, which was a perfectly watchable superhero movie, but got treated like it was much more. This wasn't as bad as Iron Fist but that's a really low bar.
The 2nd season of JJ was not good. Several of the season long plots were dubious at best and the rival PI thingy was completely nonsensical. Kilgrave showed up to move the plot along and then just as quickly departed when his presence would have been inconvenient to the plot. I don't understand Trish's characters descent into madness in the least. She was a badass last season, and then out of nowhere she becomes a weak whiny women who wants powers at all cost.
I don't think you're grasping my point(s).
The backup is a 2nd stack. It's just not in the body.
Also, it doesn't matter if you believe they're just a copy. Only their belief matters.
My understanding is the backup is the same as the stack and just another layer of protection that only the very wealthy can afford. They had obviously been re-sleeved many times. Sometimes it was b/c their body died (like when Bancroft died from the weird virus) others it was just b/c they wanted to travel somewhere quickly.
Regardless of the why they re-sleeved the result was the same. Why would they reflect on something that's as common to them as sleeping? This had been going on for longer than 250 years, which was the time Kovacs spent asleep in stack prison.
The religious people did reflect on it, although not in the ways mentioned here. However Lizzie most certainly did. At the end the voice-over mentioned how she kept her silicon body b/c she wasn't sure she was still the real Lizzie. I suspect that was due more to do with how damaged her mind was when she was tortured in VR, but it was obviously something that was considered by the people making the show.
I had no problems with her character or her acting. I had to continuously enable and disable subs during her scenes b/c I couldn't understand what she was saying. Having said that she wasn't the only character I had trouble understanding and I didn't want to miss any dialogue b/c I was really enjoying the show.
I thought it was amazing until the end, which felt forced. [spoiler]Especially the way the Bancroft's just allowed themselves to be arrested sans ironclad proof of their misdeeds. They were supposed to be gods and the cop arresting them was on their payroll. It just wasn't convincing even if it's what they deserved and what I wanted.[/spoiler]
I had some minor quibbles with Takeshi's abilities coming and going at various times that appeared a bit too convenient.
Hitchens's razor: "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
Even if what's being alleged is true, having sex with lots of women doesn't make Whedon a predator. It doesn't even make him a hypocrite.
The best part of the hit job piece is this: Apparently, in his own words (according to the ex), Whedon used his powerful position as director and producer to procure “beautiful, needy, aggressive young women,”
That's incredible. Jilted lover wants to denigrate young women husband slept with. Doesn't want to look bad in doing so. Denigrates but says those aren't my words, they're his.
Regardless he's smart to go dark. There's nothing he can say that won't be taken out of context or used to further vilify him. Once it starts the only way to end it is to go away for awhile. If he hasn't done anything besides sleep with young aggressive women he'll be fine. If he's manipulated or used his position to coerce sex from young women he's in trouble.
I think it's more about perception, and what happens after death. If there is some afterlife then your theory would be more probable and when you die you die and the only thing being copied is your memories and the wiring of you brain (neural networking?).
Otoh if nothing happens after death other than your bodies organs shutting down and your brain ceasing to function, then when you are re-sleeved your perception of that would likely be similar to waking up from a very deep sleep (or being unconscious). I imagine after you've had your 1st death and subsequent wake up, whether that be in a new sleeve or in VR, your perception of that would probably feel like you never actually died (i.e. real death).
If you've gone through that process many times like the meths had, then it would probably become almost as mundane as going to sleep each night. You die, you wake up. You remember the death and you remember the waking up. Whether some version of you dies or not is irrelevant. Obviously some people would think as you are, and those people would probably have a hard time with it. They would almost certainly place more value on their original body and treat it with more care even if they could afford to upgrade it.
The double sleeve thing might not be so problematic either since you are creating another version of yourself, except that version becomes more unique as time passes and each version has different experiences. Even in that 1st moment of awakening the cloned version is already different (and to my mind a unique form of life) b/c they will not have experienced the 30 seconds (or however long it takes for the new version to awaken) after the stack download.
It's true. Fake statistics are the best way to bolster a ridiculous opinion.
This is weird.
I agree. His acting consists of sighs and the facial expressions of a constipated person on the toilet. I'd say Hawk is even worse, but I despise the way he's been written so much I can't be objective.
Thanks for the clarification. I understand your difficulty with this show. I will point out that it did have a MA rating.
Agreed. It was a fun movie to watch, and then Iko and MadDog showed up, taking it from fun to awesome.
They all didn't become steady gun fighters. Most of them were quite obviously very bad, but they could at least pull the trigger.
Both of the main male characters were pretty flawed themselves, and they were not men that would be considered typical. She was obviously an outcast to the rest of the town, and her husband was shot in the back and killed.
The lesbian relationship was not known. They kept it secret until towards the end. They did this b/c they knew there would be repercussions and judgement.
They were in a very remote place and the old west was a place the many outsiders escaped to b/c they could be more free.
Don't try so hard to be offended. It's not healthy.
That may be true for you. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way and avoiding it. Where I have a problem is when people like yourself start trying to censor things like this for everyone else if given the power to do so. It's people of your ilk that do the things portrayed in this show if given the opportunity. Perhaps it hits a little too close to home.
I was expecting so much more. It wasn't a bad movie by any means. It just wasn't a great one. I think a 6ish score is very accurate of the quality. Of course this being a Nolan movie there is going to be a very vocal group of insanely devoted fans that find that rating monstrous.
What is the purpose in jumping around in time? I realized after the first night back to day scene what was happening, but it just made no sense why it was happening. It seemed like a distraction b/c the movie was so average.
There were far too few boats rescuing the soldiers. The Foyle's War episode about it seemed to have almost as many and they didn't even have shots of them at Dunkirk (only the return home). The number of planes wasn't as big a problem for me, but if you're going to do a movie about the evacuation of 300.000 men from the beaches, there needs to be more than 20 boats shown on screen. The movie had a budget of at least 100,000,000 so I can't imagine that was the issue.