just binged it
not bad - better than the rating.
shareI'd give this a 6 at best, but when you take into account that TV shows are almost always rated at least a point higher than they should be, this would probably be at least a 7.3 if was a US production. As it's French and subtitled it doesn't get graded on that curve.
I too plowed through the entire series in a day, and it was entertaining. I just really hate how so many of these serialized crime mysteries make their protagonists emotionally unstable morons so it takes 6+ episodes to catch or not catch the killer(s).
I would give it a 7/10
sharefeel like i got gypped
lots of cool shots of the, i suppose, french alps
but overall, weak sauce
spoiler: after all that, [spoiler]the bad guy got away[/spoiler]