Moderator3's Replies

Yep, just wrote him about it on your behalf. Will let you know what he says when I hear back. I emailed Jim several weeks ago about this issue, when Stratego brought it up. He said the site has a monthly limit on email notifications and apparently it was used up. However, I still don't get any. I don't know if Jim's since decided to do away with them or not. It could be the population here has grown enough that the limit is quickly reached. No one's providing cover for anything or anyone. The software doesn't provide us the capacity to move threads, and even if it did, General Discussions is for all discussions, as long as they follow the rules Jim set up. I, a mere mod mortal (MMM), will ask Our Lord Jim, why you're no longer getting email notifications. MMM that I am, I too have been lacking in these holy missives for several days, despite having tried turning on and off the blessed preferences in an effort to convince said notifications to resume. Fear not, our esteemed brother Croft's loyalty and devotion has not gone unnoticed by The Power that Be, heretowith to be known as TPTB. Praise be! Alas, yes, Mod2 has departed these particular digital coils. But rejoice! We still have arch-mods 1, 4 and 5, Praise Jim. We expect the devoted and inestimable Mods 1 & 4 to return to the hallowed gates of MC within a reasonably short period of time. The inestimable Mod5 and I thank and bless you, forever and ever, Amen. O, you unbeliever, you. We fear, OLGE (our lord God Ewey), this is a task beyond even the reaches of OLJ (our lord Jim). In Sorrow, and on Behalf of Mods Everywhere, Mod3 I will, assuredly, convey your message to The Almighty Jim. And so it is said. Croft_Alice, my dear brethren, may you live long and prosper with your devotion to TR, RE, Alice, and Lara, forevermore, Amen. Mod2 has, alas, had to leave The Cult of Jim. A moment of devout silence for the loss of Mod2, if you so please. Mod4 is still, happily, amongst us! Although, at the moment, In Need of taking a leave of absent-eth. Praise be. As is the devout and estimable Mod1. Glory be. While-est I appreciate-est the sentiment-est, The Truth, according to Our Lord Jim, remains that all Mods and Members of the Cult of Jim, remain equal. And so it shall be, forevermore, Amen. This is The Law of Jim. Thou Dazed, We Are All Worthy! Thus is written by Our Lord Jim. No one, not mod nor Member of the Cult of Jim, is created more or less equal. This is The Word, and so shall it be, thus and forever more.