spacefink's Replies

So that seems to back up a bit what her character says in the movie, that Thomas foraged those adoption papers. I guess the question is, whether Bruce is also his brother or not. He might still be his half brother in that they share a father, but I dunno if Penny Fleck is Bruce's mom. Tbh I like it because it made sense. I agree with the other user who said that for Thomas to get where he was, he had to have done some seriously dirty shit, and it gave the Joker a plausible motive. But maybe I like it because I'm not a Batman Loyalist of sorts (although it's funny, out of all these comic book franchises, I'm the most familiar with the Nolan Movies, Burton's movie, and now this movie). I'm surprised it isn't already, tbh. Before he got punched. I want to say that the meeting with his therapist (in regards to his meds) happened before he got fired. He gets punched by Thomas Wayne after he goes to see Little Bruce Wayne. Me too. I think a lot of the criticism this movie gets would have been cleared up had it followed Darren's vision more closely. Way less confusing. It would be interesting if the sequel follows Darren Aranofsky's original vision for Batman: Year One. It was really quick but the flashbacks happen when he breaks into her apartment. That's when you realize she doesn't know why he's there. I think the cutoff might be when he goes off his meds. My impression was that he found out, somehow that Thomas Wayne was assassinated (Maybe the hospital had a TV set and he saw it there?). I do think he didn't imagine the rioters cheering him on though when the cops drove him away. What's definitely clear to me is that he wasn't hallucinating when those guys beat him up for his sign. Everything leading up to him going off his medication is real (with the exception of the relationship with his neighbor). I wish I could upvote this comment. He was a rapist too and it was pretty obvious. Like others have pointed out, child molestors sometimes do kill to keep their victims from talking. But at least you acknowledged you're naive, so I'll give you kudos there. If people browsed crime boards, they would be absolutely disgusted with what humanity is capable of. And with the internet, a lot of child sexual abuse has just become more prolific.Some of these people talking about how this stuff is a "myth" are talking purely out of their ass. I also really don't get why people here wanted to see a kid get raped either, nor do I want to entertain what goes on in their heads, but it's no wonder IMDb closed the forum off. I honestly thought she was going to turn around and not kill him and tell her to take her with him. And then the film would have ended with her sort of turning evil. That would have been an interesting turn of events. I thought it was okay too. Definitely better than what I saw last weekend, Sun is Also a Star (lol). I'd give it maybe a 6.7 out of 10. And I agree that the acting is really good in this one. I dunno if I will rewatch but I'm glad I gave this one a chance. I will disagree with you on the gore though, if anyone hasn't seen it, it is definitely gorey. I like Horror movies and read about it in reviews so I went in expecting it. It gets especially squeamish around the part where [spoiler]that girl's mom, Erica, pulls a shard of glass out of her eye. Yeooch![/spoiler] Filmmakers are too afraid in general of making characters unlikeable. Actors are slightly guilty of this too. Just because a character is played by Cate Blanchett doesn't mean I have to like her. This is a film that suffers from that, imo. If they had made it meaner, it would have been a far more powerful film. As it is, it's a good movie but flawed because of these omissions. It so desperately wants to add a redemption arc where there isn't one needed and where realistically, it would have never happened. It was just ok. Didn't really do much for me and I felt like the store set ups were intriguing but ultimately dorky. But then again, VHS as a format is incredibly fragile so maybe I'm missing something (and I say this as someone who owns a huge amount of tapes). I wish there was a documentary about the decline of physical media in general. Yeah no...Ugly Americans wasn't about the Hollywood Industry. It was just a spoof on NYC. Also Ugly Americans was about monsters, not animals. The problem with Amy is that although facially she looks like her, performance wise, from what I've seen her in, she's much meeker and delicate. I just don't buy her as pulling off Tonya's cut throat personality. I think what Margot gets right is the manipulative and kinda rough aura that Tonya has. Although I feel the movie didn't do a good enough job of getting Tonya's polarizing nature down right. Pretty much. I'm three years too late but I wish there was more clarity. Also, what was Ted's role in all of this, I know the guns were his but did he shoot at them and pursue them as well? Donald G. Jackson is dead, I wish there were more answers... Lmao I think it was more than that. She must have bullied some teacher and started a campaign of harassment. It makes sense given the kind of driven, cut-throat personality she has. Elizabeth basically gets by on the skim of her teeth but Amy is a bully and we've all suffered from Amys at one point in our lives.