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Aphrodite's Replies
True, not all humans are being killed. Some are being let go. Maybe they serve some other purpose Ford wants? Who knows. It does seem random who they are and aren’t killing.
The different agendas going around are also interesting. Maeve and her band of revolters have different agendas than Dolores and her crew.
True, the only one who seemed to have any control over the hosts, was Ford himself, and only himself. He’s the only one able to get his creations to stop, while the other higher ups were unable to. And yes, them trying to oust Ford from his own creation seems like a good motive. Not sure what his end game is, because Dolores wants to kill all humans. As far as she’s concerned, they’re all guilty. Maybe she’ll learn that not all humans are her enemy. Just the sick bastards who are wealthy enough and get off on these little games where they have sex with (and essentially rape) and murder the hosts. I’m assuming though that the majority of the population don’t have that kind of money to play along. Only the top 1%, who live in mansions and have a dozen cars.
If Dolores, Maeve and the rest of the crew get out into the real world, I wonder what their plan will be? Will they want to just live peacefully amongst humans? Which is easily doable. Or would they try to subjugate them and make them pay for the abuse they suffered from others? If that’s the case, it’s a bit fucked up as these other people never did anything to them, and likely didn’t even know about this AI World. They shouldn’t be punished for the sins of others. It’ll be interesting to see where it goes.
Really? I wasn’t surprised at all. I actually expected it. I guess maybe I was the only one who knew that was going to happen. They showed her as a little girl and William talked of having a daughter, and the way she acted with her male partner saying how the only way to know if he was real or not was to shoot him...I knew right from that scene she would be revealed to be William’s daughter. Her dad was obsessed with Westworld, it seems only fitting that she showed up in it. Guess I’m the only one who thought that.
I thought maybe I missed something, since I just watched the episodes and didn’t pay much attention to all the minute details. I thought maybe there was a scene or something I missed, or didn’t pay much attention to that had some kind of explanation. Glad to know I didn’t miss anything with regards to the weapons.
As for William, I think maybe because he’s been playing this game for decades now, that maybe he’s built up some kind of resistance to the hits? I mean, someone who has never been hit with one of their magic bullets or weapons would at first be knocked back and shocked. Just like William was at first. They’ve never been hit like that before, so it takes them aback. But for someone who has done this for long stretches that lasted let’s say 30 years or more, maybe he kind of develops a thick skin for it? When you expect something to happen and are ready for it, you kind of take it better than if you didn’t expect it at all.
It doesn’t make much sense why other hosts that the fully/semi conscious hosts haven’t interacted with, are now all of a sudden able to kill humans when they couldn’t before. Especially those in other storylines or worlds. I guess the only explanation is that before Ford had Delores kill him, he programmed all of them to go rogue and have that ability. Even the ones who hadn’t been upgraded yet (which is when they first noticed weird things happening, with the malfunctioning last update). But didn’t they remove most of those hosts from westworld? They examined others, like Dolores, Maeve, Clementine, etc. Can’t wait for all of this to be explained. If it is all Ford’s planning, I wonder why he turned on the humans and created this revolt?
Well one story I heard is that he brought in lawyers and threatened a lawsuit over his injury. If that’s true, I can see why the studio backed him and fired Crawford. Although Damon even blames the studio for not defending him, in one of his rants. If they fired Damon, he would have sued and it would have been a huge mess. If Damon threatened a lawsuit and said he refused to work with Clayne again, he pretty much put the studio in a corner. It’s turned into a huge mess anyways.
You should read the tweets from [url][/url] they make some valid arguments and points. Damon lawyering up and threatening a lawsuit could indeed be what happened.
Crawford is the star of the show, although he’s pretty much unknown to a lot of people. Damon was the original star of the show before it even aired, having the bigger career and name recognition, not to mention coming from a very famous and funny family. But Crawford, an unknown, was the one everyone ended up talking about. Maybe Damon hated that and got jealous, who knows. It’s all just crazy what’s happened.
Same. It’s just completely tainted now. Damon’s tweets show he pushed for him to get fired, and he played a part in it. Showing those supposed stickers on set....would that not create a hostile work environment for Clayne, if true? And the sticker looked brand new, like he has just slapped it on a pole and took the picture. Damon claims Clayne also hit another actor in the flash with a glass bottle, which caused injury....yet there are no stories anywhere about that happening. Wouldn’t that be a 3rd incident? But yet the only incidents that were made public were the 2 that Clayne owned up to and took responsibility for. It just all seems so nuts.
And did you hear, the studio is only bringing the show back with 13 episodes? I hope Damon is happy that he effectively just got his show cancelled, because that’s what’s going to happen. The show is toxic now. There is so much backlash about Clayne being fired, and everyone knows Damon had everything to do with it. The fact that Clayne has received so much support online, not just from fans but even from crew members, cast members and old colleagues, that says a lot. I’m sure Damon hates all that. It’s just pure jealousy, that’s what it looks like. And while Seann William Scott isn’t a bad actor, he’s walking onto a sinking ship. It’s just a shame that a once great show took such a toxic turn.
It’s just insane the stuff he tweeted. Why make it public? To “defend himself”? Please. There were articles before the firing saying how it was Damon who was the diva on set. [url][/url] How he refused to do table reads, would show up late, he even didn’t show up for the first day that Clayne was directing that one episode. That put everyone behind, I’m sure the crew was annoyed with him for that. Then he got that small cut on his head the second day when he did show up, and was sent home. Apparently he even refused medical attention after it happened because it was so minor. Then he comes back the next day with all these restrictions - including not wanting to hold a gun (what the hell? He does understand this is a buddy cop show right? Show where he regularly uses his gun. Wtf?) it just seems nuts. He made Clayne’s life hell during the episode he directed, probably because he hated that Clayne got to direct an episode in the first place.
Accidents happen on movie and TV sets all the time. Especially with shrapnel, you can’t predict where shrapnel will go. And when you do stunts regularly on a show, there’s an expectation that things can go wrong, things can happen and people could get injured. It’s a risk you take. But to put all the blame squarely on Clayne, and not the stunt coordinators, or producers or anyone else from the production, just seems rich. There are many actors who have been injured on the job. Leonardo DiCaprio sliced his hand open on Django Unchained, Dylan O’Brien had a serious hand injury on his franchise set, Tom Cruise broken his ankle on set, so many others. In fact, there’s even a list: [url][/url] Damon just seems petty, and is acting like a diva.
Honestly, I’ve just lost respect for Damon Wayans now. Not just for the stuff he’s said, but his total lack of professionalism.
I think what could happen is in Ant-Man, maybe Scott discovers he’s able to go back in time. After all, Hank’s wife is coming back for the sequel. And considering Scott was the only one to go molecular (or whatever you want to call it) maybe when he finds Hank’s wife when he does it again, he also discovers there’s other special things he can do. Luckily Ant-Man 2 is coming up very soon, so we’ll find out if he’s got that capability or not. It’s the only way I can see them being able to go back in time...unless Captain Marvel has something up her sleeve that allows her to time travel.
Yeah it was pretty much a given Loki would die. I’m not looking forward to Cap or Tony dying in the last Avengers. I just can’t see Steve retiring. Not unless he can go back in time and be with Peggy. That would be a sweet ending for him. I’d be happy with that. But then that would kind of screw up the future I think. But at least Agent Carter is no longer on the air, so they don’t have to worry about her timeline. I’d be happy with Bucky picking up the shield after that. Although not having any Steve and Bucky moments would suck. They both deserve some happiness. Bucky going at it alone would be sad. But Chris Evans has said he’s pretty much done with Cap. I don’t know if I could see Tony retire either, but I hope he gets a happy ending. Maybe he and Pepper get that baby he dreamt about? I wouldn’t be surprised if Thor dies. He’s pretty much the only Asgardian left now, everyone in his family is dead, he no longer has a home and all his people are dead. Unless they have a Thor 4 up their sleeve, I can’t see Thor making it in the 4th movie. Who knows though.
Yeah that was annoying. You’re right, without the time stone, not only could he not fulfill his plan, but he couldn’t go back in time and undo anything, like he did with Vision. I don’t get why Dr. strange was so adamant that the stone not be destroyed. He refused, at all costs. Meanwhile Vision gave up how life to have his stone destroyed. What the hell? Dr. strange is the one Marvel movie I haven’t watched, are his powers solely from the Time Stone? Is he basically useless without it?
My only guess is that either the way things were playing out, it was the one that Dr. strange envisioned where they would win if he gave them the time stone. Or in the 14+ million scenarios Dr. strange saw, all the other ones he refused to give the Time Stone, and the only one where they all survived or at least half the universes didnt get wiped out, was if he just handed it over. Who knows.
The other thing that annoyed me was how Starlord basically was the reason why half the Universe died. Had he only waited a few more minutes, like Tony demanded, they would have gotten the glove off and he would have been powerless. But no, Starlord couldn’t wait a single minute to punch him because Gamora was dead - even though he himself pulled the trigger to kill her back when he got the reality Stone. That just pissed me off. He is the reason that they couldn’t get the glove off and end it all right then and there, and he’s also the reason why Dr. strange ultimately gave him the time stone. What a complete waste.
Andrew Lincoln won’t talk about his contract, or if he’s even signed on for season 9. That’s going by the latest interview from THR with him. He refused to even want to talk about season 9. He just kept saying how the back 8 or 9 episodes are really emotional and impactful, etc. Makes me wonder if this might indeed be Rick’s last season. Very weird he refused to talk about season 9.
It’s sad what happened with Daryl. He was my favourite character. For me what did it was in season 5 (I think?) when they decided to do that big zombie march with the zombies fromthe quarry. That’s when I was just done with Daryl. I had been disliking him for a while, but it wasn’t until then that I was just like “what the hell happened to Daryl?”
And Michonne was so strong and kickass up until the Rick hookup. After that she started becoming a mom to his kids and the fact she got beaten so badly last season with they were betrayed by those garbage people - just wtf happened to her? She is so weak now.
Yeah I think they’ll do a time jump or something and age up Judith to an adult or something. That would be the easiest way to kill off character and just say they didn’t survive whatever new war they were in. This show is really going nowhere. They have no endgame. It’s just rinse and repeat at this point.
It’s because as a child actor, there are certain requirements that the producers and such need to follow. Kids are only allowed on set for a certain amount of hours every day, whereas an adult can be on set for 12-16 hours, as needed. It would be illegal to keep a child on set that long. Some shows get around that by having twins play a role, that way when one child is done for day, their sibling can continue filming any needed scenes. Here’s a document I found for NY that states how many hours a child can work or be on set (sorry, no idea how to make it clicky):
Also, they have to set up tutors and schooling on set to make sure the kids get an education, and so on. But when a child turns 18, they’re no longer held to those rules. Once they turn 18, they’re done with school (unless they choose to go to University), and they no longer have restrictions as to how long they can be on set.
So now as an adult, Chandler would be more available as he would no longer need to be tutored on set, and would be available for the same hours as the other actors, and there would be no other restrictions. Plus, he would need to be paid more because of that.
Sorry, yeah I was reading an article about it, and they said Andrew said that he wanted Rick to die. But he actually said there needs to be an endgame, and that he’s “willing to take the medicine” if it comes to another big death, like Carl’s. So he’s willing to die.
One interesting thing though, I glanced at another new interview with Andrew from THR, and they asked him about his contract and there being a 9th season, and he was very adamant on talking about the back 8 or 9 episodes left. Like he refused to talk about season 9 or his contract, but kept saying how these next few episodes are so emotional and impactful, and he doesn’t want to ruin it for people. Makes me wonder if he is coming back for another season or not.
I don’t know if they’re done srenegotiating their contracts or still in the process of doing it. I know it looks like Lauren might not be coming back. And apparently Andrew Lincoln said he wants Rick to die...whether that means now or next season or some time in the future who knows. Norman has apparently said he’ll stay on the show until it ends. I don’t think anything has been announced about them being done with contract renegotiations though. The only story we’ve heard is that Lauren still hasn’t got a contract in place and has taken another job. So she likely won’t be back. But the show really bit themselves in the foot if Andrew Lincoln wants off the show. The only characters they have who could possibly take over for him, is Carol, Daryl or Michonne.
As far as I’m concerned, they’ve turned Michonne weak ever since she and Rick started hooking up. She used to be such a strong and kickass character, but now she’s easily defeated by enemies. If Rick does die, then Michonne will probably be too focused on raising Judith. I don’t think we’ll see the old Michonne unless Judith also dies, and she loses everything - like she did when she first became that kick ass character we first saw years ago after losing her husband, son, and the rest of her family. And Daryl is nothing like he used to be and has gone against Rick multiple times now and screwed everything up. He went from my fave character, to someone I can’t really stand anymore. A lot of people blame him for getting Glenn killed, and now also getting Carl killed. Whether it’s actually true or not, there are people who put the blame squarely on him. Carol is really the only one who still kicks some butt.
Aside from one of them taking over, they’ll have to do a time jump. I don’t think they’d have any other choice, which means losing even more characters. I don’t think anyone would miss Negan at this point, his arc tanked the show.
That’s assuming Andrew Lincoln wants to stay on the show. I’ve seen quite a few posts from people here saying he wants off the show. who knows what’s true. I haven’t kept up with interviews or any of that to know how he really feels, but if he also wants off the show then it was a bad move. The only strong character they have left on the show, is Carol.
I never really understood the hate Chandler got. I didn’t think he was a great actor, but I certainly didn’t think he was horrible. I understood what he was meant to bring to the show. He was a little kid in a zombie world, so it was expected he would do stupid stuff and get into bad situations. But I never had an issue with the kid himself. There’s only so much do with what you’re given, and Chandler wasn’t given too much. The writing was pretty bad where Carl was concerned.
It’ll be interesting to see what he does away from the a show. Maybe now he’ll surprise people.
I actually preferred Travis over the mother. I really couldn’t stand her. I kept wishing every episode that she and her daughter would get bit or something. The only person from that family who wasn’t a total idiot, was Nick. Strand was the smartest out of everyone. The daughter was so stupid on that boat. I still can’t get over that little prisoner exchange they did, where that guy who died had a bag over his head and apparently his brother didn’t even think there was anything wrong with that.
Man that show went downhill so fast. The last episode I watched was when they were in that mansion in Mexico and that crazy lady and they were escaping her mansion and they all separated. I just lost all interest at that point. In fact, I had the episode on in the background and wasn’t really paying attention. I think that was the mid season finale.
Morgan could be interesting on Fear. I assume we would get to see what happened with his son, and leading up to him meeting that guy in the cabin with the stick they showed in one of those filler episodes last season, or a few seasons ago.
A tornado would be interesting. Could you imagine zombies coming flying out of the air at you, while you think you’re safe on your property? A flood would be so realistic now too, given all the flooding going around everywhere. Flash floods would be especially scary since they come out of nowhere and take the group by surprise. But nope, instead we get hot weather year round.
There is no more fear with the zombies. They dispatch them like they’re nothing. Their heads appear to be so weak you easily stomp their skulls in or cut through it like butter. It’s ridiculous. The only “fear” comes from other survivors. And with the upcoming other groups - like those garbage people and this other group I heard about who wear zombie skins or some crap like that, it just sounds bad.
It’s funny how they thought that Negan would be the saviour of the show, that everyone would want to see him, but instead he’s killed the show. He’s made it unwatchable. What they did to Glenn and Abraham was disgusting. And the way they toyed with everyone was also disgusting. Not only with the dumpster thing, but also having to wait months to find out who Negan killed. And this whole Negan storyarc is just horrible. As bad as the Governor was, I actually wish he’d come back so we wouldn’t have to put up with this Negan garbage anymore. How Negan is able to amass so many people to do what he wants, is crazy. And the fact the workers even put up with his crap, when they’re treated like garbage also makes no sense. The whole Negan storyline is just ridiculous.
The only thing fun about this show now, is seeing how downhill the ratings will get before they cancel the show. Are they waiting until they get the lowest viewers ever, including season 1? Usually shows try and go out while they’re still on top. But it seems like AMC will keep beating this dead horse until less than 1 million viewers tune in. They need another show like Breaking Bad.
The fact they abruptly decided to kill Carl off right before Chandler turned 18 is a major reason. They just didn’t want to have to pay him a full salary like the other adults. He’s one of 4 original cast members, which means he would have taken a huge pay increase. They didn’t want to pay, and since they knew they needed to do something big to see if they could get more viewers (which they failed miserably at, as the last 2 episodes had the worst ratings) they decided he had to go.
In the long run, I think Chandler will be happy he left when he did - before the ship sank even deeper, because they’re on life support right now. At this point, the show needs to end soon. I can’t see it lasting much longer. The ratings are so bad, they’re in line with season 2 now. That’s pretty bad considering they once had 17 million viewers. At least Chandler has a head start at finding new work, while people are still talking about the show.
Yeah I can’t recall ever seeing snow on the show, or even cold weather. It’s always just hot, it seems. They need a change of scenery, and they also need to stop feeling so safe. This combating every new group is tiring. They need to bring it back to the zombies and survival.
I heard that the zombies can’t survive snow, that they freeze in the snow. I can’t remember if that was mentioned in the comics or somewhere else. But it’s something that’s never been explored in this show. It would be interesting to see how the survivors in colder climates are living.
I also hate the fact that there is nowhere for the show to go. There is no cure, and there never will be a cure. So there is really nowhere for this show to go. With Carl now dead and a bunch of others wanting off the show, it feels like they need to do. Big time jump. Maybe age up Judith so that she can be a teen or in her early 20s, but would they even last that much longer in a zombie apocalypse. The original group now only consists of Rick, Daryl and Carol. I can’t see any of them lasting a few more years, let alone a toddler like Judith making it to adulthood. The fact she’s even lived this long is a bit ridiculous.
They need to move to a new location. They’ve stayed within the same general area for the entire run of the show. They need to head up to Canada or something. I’m sick of seeing the same type of locations over and over again. Have we even seen snow on the show?
As for Fear the Walking Dead, I started watching the show and was excited to see how the whole zombie apocalypse happened. But Kirkman and everyone at AMC lied to everyone saying we would see the beginning of it all. They quickly jumped ahead in the story and by the end of the first season more than half the population were zombies. I watched part of the second season, up to around the mid-season finale, then just couldn’t take it anymore. Haven’t watched since.
I pretty much hated all the characters, the only ones who seemed to have any intelligence were Strand and Nick. But everyone else I couldn’t stand. I especially hated the mother. But I just couldn’t stand how stupid everyone was. And their stupidity became even worse in the 2nd season. I’m surprised the show is still on, the ratings have been horrible and it killed any kind of anticipation for WD because there was just no break from all the zombies. Not surprisingly, the ratings for WD have gone way down since Fear debuted, but WD has gone downhill too so that’s also to blame.