MovieChat Forums > Wildechild > Replies
Wildechild's Replies
You have a point, however it backfired and Ally, who should be on her side, killed her.
I wonder if Bebe chose Ally to be her leader after Kai was sacrificed.
Are we in the Fourth Reich?
I am not sure if it was her dreaming up that sex scene or if they really had sex.
I loved it too. Quite original and well-written. The magic seems authentic too. I just don't understand what really happened to the kid and wonder if Solomon was involved.
Ryan stated there would be no supernatural elements this season. Hence Jesus and his angels on strings.
Ally wants her kid back, she's not brainwashed yet.
He was awesome!
Mostly everything on tv features straight couples. If you're gay like me, you feel excluded.
Ryan depicts all kinds of relationships, all colours in the spectrum.
I'm glad he gives lgbt people visibility.
By normal straight coupling I mean they created a romance and happy ending which, IMHO, deviated from the main plot. It was about how screwed up that family was (Caleb and Norma's incestuous relationship, Norman oedipian's complex, Romero trying to get between Norma and Norman's unusual unhealthy bond) and not a gooey love story.
I'm totally disappointed by that ending. Norman dead and the happy couple with their kid like a 50s Hollywood movie. That was awful.
I expected a better finale.
I agree with you. I know Dylan was neglected by Norma but he became so weak and pussy-whipped.
The way Norman died made no sense either. Dylan had just told Emma he wouldn't call the authorities coz Norman would be killed by them, and he shot his bro himself.
That final scene with the happy family, what on Earth were they thinking? It was a story about Norman and his mother. It should had ended similarly to Psycho.
I have a lot of sympathy for Norma. She reminds me of my own mum so much (bless her soul).
I don't think Norma was bad but had issues like we all do. Not her fault that Norman is a killer.
I loved that episode.
A lot of gay men are like Harrison and resent women. Most see them as competition, they want the alpha males all to themselves.
Yes. 😁
Yes, her reasons for hating Ally are ridiculous.
Yeah, poor lady.
I wasn't expecting him to be their brother.
It's the eyes...
Isabella Summers (musician/songwriter /dj/producer) looks a bit like Bette and Amanda as well. She has beautiful big blue eyes.
Emily was amazing in this. The prequel is ok but prefer this one.