Levtones's Replies

Okay, Chloe. Or just post it. :P https://cdn1.aznude.com/barbrastreisand/theowlandthepussycat/streisand-owland-scoopy-n-01.jpg She looks like she stinks. I hate people like you. I'm busy! Stupid dick! Jesus Christ, where the fuck do you live? John Francis Daley's tirade of abuse at the end was the only good part. I'm resurrecting this thread after a decade to say that I'm 69 in bunny years. Canadians, but yeah... One of the worst films I've ever seen. I couldn't listen to more than 20 minutes of those insufferable little cunts parroting unnatural dialogue. Thought I was the only one who liked Shadow in the Cloud. I remember pausing it mid-way through to purchase the soundtrack on iTunes. He's done. It's a fucking badass ending. Seen better acting in porn. Watch Totally Killer instead. I gave up after 18 minutes. It gave me a migraine and motion sickness. Source? Why don't these fuckheads ever name the person? Boring. Rewatched this last night for the first time since 2018, and that scene is pretty much the only one that really stood out to me this time. Glad he didn't live to see that tragedy.