MovieChat Forums > Jawbreaker (1999) Discussion > The death in my high school

The death in my high school

Two of my friends died.
One died of an allergic reaction .
Then my best friend died from Frederich's ataxia!


In my school one guy fatally choked on his vomit while sleeping after getting drunk/high at a party. Another got hit by a car right after school a couple blocks away, dead at the scene. One "accidently" shot himself with his rifle (but many suspected that it was suicide).

Shortly after graduating, a friend who was a wannabe drug dealer got shot in the face with a shot gun because he owed major bucks to someone higher up on the chain.

The summer after their graduating, a couple of guys ripped off a local sport shop by the lake and were chased by the police for ten miles before going off the road at about 100 mph and hitting a pole gate or something. They were both cut in half (!). I went to the calling hours; naturally, it was closed casket.

My sister slit her wrist in the girl's restroom. There was blood spurted all over the wall (I had an emergency pass to get in to see her); she thankfully survived.

This is just off the top of my head.


I just want to say rest in peace, Michael Marenkovich. Chaney High c/o '92


Jesus Christ, where the fuck do you live?


Glad to hear your sister survived, but did you go to school in LA??


No, a normal everyday school in America, mostly Caucasian faculty & students. Keep in mind that those events occurred over the course of many years, from the time I was 13-19. They seem shocking when put together on paper, but not as much when a whole year or so goes by between each of them and you're living a fairly typical teenage life.
