MovieChat Forums > EloraWood > Replies
EloraWood's Replies
I‘m not the OP, but thank you for the recommendation! I bought it, read it, and can only second this for anyone else looking for GN to read. This story was absolutely beautiful (and yes, had me in tears during and after; absolute must to read the ‚after word’ as well!)
It’s a bad comparison though. A better one would be, you order a dish in a restaurant that you never tasted before- you don’t like it- but the dish is still the way it’s supposed to be.
Or you go to an art gallery and don’t like or understand the famous center piece that all the fuzz is about.
The point is - writing a television show is art. Open to criticism, sure, but with opinions on both sides.
Nobody is going to walk into a obviously damaged house and say that the electricity is fine when the light doesn’t come on.
Different cup of tea.
Actually it would not be the builders fault but the architect and inspectors...
It was mentioned before (don’t remember the season/episode) that „The Hand“ never gets mentioned in historical records.
And he was The Hand of 3 different rulers.
You can search for it on YouTube- there are even some reviews with some deleted scenes/fotos.
Well it’s based off „The Pied Piper (of Hamelin)“ Story.
If you don’t know it short version: Set in the middle ages; a town was plagued by rats, a pied piper came and told the town he‘d rid them of the rats for x amount of gold, town folks agreed; he takes his magic flute and the rats follow, he crosses a river and all the rats drown. But when he asks for his payment they refuse to pay the agreed on amount. So one night he plays his flute and all of the towns children come out and follow him, never to be seen again.
The interesting thing about this is that the town really had a mysterious disappearance of (I think it was)130 children in, don‘t quote me on this but sometime in June 13-7something. The towns ledger started a few years later and laments the loss of 130 children. The town had a window in the church which also talked about the missing children. Even in ledgers of nearby towns it’s written that on x day x amount of children where lost. But nowhere does it say why.
So of course it’s been a source of rumors and speculations. There are some who say that it must have been something the town felt guilty about; there supposedly was a drought during that time so some think that the kids where sacrificed in nearby hills; or drowned in the river; the most accepted answer by historians is that they just left to emigrate to other places;
The rats and piper parts where added sometime in the 1500s.
Today the town fully embraces the Pied Pieper/Rats Version. They have a theater play in the historical center of the town that I believe is every two weeks on the weekends during the summer time - for free, for the tourists. It’s actually really good.
Of course this has nothing to do with the show other than that the show obviously was inspired by this story.
They had a bad smell in town, ‚Mr. Pfeiffer‘ gets rid of it, doesn’t get paid, takes the kids away...
Of course, for the kids, no denying it, it also has Lord of the Flies elements
There are more shows on HBO than just GOT. So one has nothing to do with the other. If he just bought HBO for GOT it goes back to: if you don’t like it...don’t order it.
So you just reply to that part, how you prefer to discuss things (which, I can respect your opinion, even though there is a difference between the comparisons you and I made...yes, I used your words to make another example but you just completely made one up) but not to the actual subject at hand?
Your reply makes no sense.
That’s not even the same thing.
The talk was not about someone else doing a reboot (which usually is many years after it’s done and with other actors etc - I doubt that would make GOT fans any happier).
Or is the petition actually for HBO to redo everything with new writers and a new cast?
My point was that it would be crazy for them to redo it with these writers and cast right now just because some people didn’t like the way it was portrayed/ended. It would not solve anything anyway because even if they would do it, it still wouldn’t make everyone happy...why would they waste money and time on that?
Edit: and how do you get from it being crazy to having to redo your own (8 year, mind) work, if you and your boss and thousands of fans are happy, just because some others criticize you for it - to: if you do redo your work it should be illegal? The point is that they are happy with it and don’t want to redo it...and shouldn’t have to just because some people don’t like their vision...
You are right about the friendships. He can count himself lucky.
About having to wait. Well... you can always read the books.
The book readers also have to wait for the next book, but it’s still several seasons ahead of the show.
I’ve also read the books, so I might confuse them with the show, but I could have sworn that Claire said several times that her daughter grew up in Boston in the new colonies...
Yes, but I can see how someone could find it disrespectful, that was my only point I tried to make :p
Pizza does sound good right now :p
I read it and agree with you on most things. When she did what she did I first was sad but then it made complete sense and showed me my bias - and how beautifully the story was woven to make (most of us) cheer for her because we agreed with her goal and we despised Neds killers sitting on the throne etc (even more for the book readers because...well there is so much more to it). The psychology behind not just the characters but how it’s supposed to influence the reader was really well done.
I also wish that they would have taken more time; not given up on dialogue- but overall, I’m ok with it. Can appreciate all the work that went into it.
I do hope you are wrong about the books though. I still hope that we’ll get them sooner or later... hope always dies last :p
Well, that’s not what the OP said, but ok, let’s go with that.
If you find said pizza terrible one time, alright, might have just had a bad day, but if you keep going back for it, that’s just stupid...just find a different pizzeria.
And about the ‘sending it back’ part...again - I don’t think that ordering something and being invited to view someone elses vision is the same.
Doesn’t mean you can’t have and give your opinion- you can greatly dislike it and tell everyone who is willing to listen...but to ask for the creators to change it and redo it because some where unhappy is silly.
Can’t make everyone many redos and endings should they make?
For those who hate it I’d say: Just use your imagination, make your own ending and forget the one they gave you - be convinced that you are right, they are not, be happy and move on 🤷♀️
Well, to each their own I guess. I liked where they went (not 100% of how it went there, but no problem with the end result).
Most complain about Danys and Jamies fate - but I actually found it very believable.
I suppose you could compare it to the Nazi regime.
But I think this is hardly the first or last time (in history or fantasy fiction) that people had good intentions and (specially becoming more powerful along the way and ignoring or losing advisors) go down the wrong road and in the end come close to becoming the thing they originally wanted to fight in the first place.
And for the viewer/reader to at first not realize it because we agree with the cause and/or dislike the opposition.
Nothing wrong with taking the story there.
If you ordered pizza and send it back because you just discovered that you don’t actually like pizza...yes it is. If the dish was perfectly fine and you just didn’t like the way it was...yes it’s disrespectful, why did you order that?
Also, there is a difference between „ordering“ something and being invited to view someone else's vision of something.
I don’t think she was saying that people can’t be disappointed or criticize the show/performance etc... she was talking about the petitions to redo everything. And I at least agree...that is disrespectful.
That’s a crazy statement.
So, you are basically saying that everything you have ever done, is up for you having to redo it because someone might criticize it. And that if you don’t you are not worthy of respect. Do you realize how crazy that sounds?
Specially with so many fans, many story/character arcs - you cannot possibly make everyone happy... and while many people complain, many people are also happy.
So if they are happy with their work, and many fans also...why should they cater to the naysayers?
Visions from season 4 show that this is where they where going to take it all along.
I agree that it was rushed and hence some things made less sense. But we also don’t know what all went on between the scenes- if they butted head with HBO for time, how much had to be cut etc...
And yes, without fans you are nothing...but if people who start to dislike it still act like fans and continue to watch...well...their own fault.
If it’s just about the ending...I’m sure they didn’t purposely piss of people...just can’t make everyone happy.