So just in case you didn't get that the writers wanted you to think that The Breaker of Chains was evil, here is a scene in which a giant red/black banner is hanging on the rubble while Kalisi delivers a speech to her assembled troops with them stomping their spears in unison (think of the time the Unsullied must have spent practicing that timing!). Still not convinced she is evil?? Her words sound harmless to you? You fool! Just look at the reaction shots of Arya's, Jon's, and Tyrion's faces! Those reactions prove it! Just like Arya saying that Sansa is the "smartest person she knows" proves that Sansa is smart.
Only evil people have those kinds of assembled-troop-speeches. Right, viewers? RIGHT?!?!?
Also, Dani burned people in previous seasons. Which is "foreshadowing" and therefore substitutes for character development, and means the last season was not a Giant Turd.
By the way Jon executing a 13 year old boy was not foreshadowing. Sansa having someone ripped to pieces by dogs was not foreshadowing. Arya murdering an entire house and baking them into a pie was not foreshadowing(Arya is SANE).
But Danarys burning people who were her enemies is foreshadowing, and a definite sign of madness and also means this last season was not a turd. It does.
Well, Jon clearly felt horrible about it about hanging Olly, so...
But seriously, can we get a great big "FORESHADOWING IS NOT THE SAME AS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT" from the English composition 101 professors in the back?
And for the record, I don't have a problem with Dany going mad, or Jon killing her and going back North to be with the Wildlings, or Sansa becoming Queen of the North, or Tyrion becoming Hand for Bran. I don't have a problem with either of the last two episodes IN AND OF THEMSELVES. (And I think petitioning for a rewrite is going a bit far.) BUT, I do have some issues with how the show rushed through things to GET to those final two episodes. They cut six hours of exposition and character development out of the series. And it shows.
You had "some issues"? lol. I don't know what to say about that. I had some issues with the pacing of season 5. I had some issues with some of the badly written dialogue in season 6. I had a lot of issues with season 7, the was characters teleported was jarring, the plot armour of characters was at points stretching credibility, some characters did stupid things just because the plot wanted them to.
To go from the best TV series of all time, to what was season 8 is not "some issues". That's like calling a decapitation a headache. It was worst than I ever imagined it could be in the worst case scenario. I thought maybe it wouldn't live up to expectations. I didn't think it would shit all over them in an almost spiteful manner.
I suppose you could compare it to the Nazi regime.
But I think this is hardly the first or last time (in history or fantasy fiction) that people had good intentions and (specially becoming more powerful along the way and ignoring or losing advisors) go down the wrong road and in the end come close to becoming the thing they originally wanted to fight in the first place.
And for the viewer/reader to at first not realize it because we agree with the cause and/or dislike the opposition.
My issue is that the writers did it (and so many other things) in-artfully. Reeks of last-minute idea. So many of the well established characters did things out of character in this last season that I find it hard to give them credit in this case.
Well, to each their own I guess. I liked where they went (not 100% of how it went there, but no problem with the end result).
Most complain about Danys and Jamies fate - but I actually found it very believable.