MovieChat Forums > jasonbourne > Replies
jasonbourne's Replies
The interpretation is Jack Torrance is a reincarnation of the man seen in the picture in 1921. Presumably, the man in the picture was the caretaker then. How else does Jack know the people whom he "saw" in the hotel? It just so happens that the person from 1921 looks like him and Jack could is his doppelganger. Just look up the definition of doppelganger and you'll see the movie's explanation.
Oh yeah. Now it hit me that you did talk about it before when you mentioned Diabolique. HOHH looks low budget because William Castle is like Roger Corman and known for such movies. What's weird is the outside of the house didn't match the inside decor. Definitely an interesting exterior and looks like a millionaire's house atop the hill. The house on the movie poster seemed to fit it better. Maybe Hitch put the Psycho house on a hill because of it. It does give the occupants a good look of their motel as well as the people below able to see the house's windows clearly.
Similarities have to do with large sums of money. One being offered to party guest who were invited while the other is tempted to take advantage of a situation that presents itself. Both stories are believable and have beautiful blondes in the movie, but one is selfish, greedy, adulterous, and murderous. The other is a middle class working girl who has met a man she wants to marry, but he's got money problems due to his divorce. The greedy Annabelle pretends to commit suicide which seems hard to do unless she is somewhat athletic or had help. What seemed weird was if she wasn't dead and a "ghost," then how did she get outside when it was impossible to? I suppose it's okay because it's supposed to be a campy ghost movie.
Both have screaming blondes in them, too. Psycho had two, Marion and Lila, while HOHH had a blonde and brunette. Marion is hands down winner of best screamer with her shower scene. She may be one of the best screamers in the history of movies.
Did you see HOHH in a theater? And got the skeleton on a wire lol?
That's the gimmick. It's supposedly in the back story if you believe in ghosts. You wonder if Elisha Cook's character is <i>hysterical</i>, but I think what happened in the house before would be the ghosts. As owner, he knows the house is around 100 years old and several people died there mysteriously over the years.
ETA: How do you explain the rope and Mrs. Loren outside the house?
Haha. You're an idiot.
It's a big difference in approach between the conservatives and liberals. Liberals want you to be shut down until a vaccine is found. They think it's like the black plague when it isn't that dangerous. I think we have become more aware and are testing better now that when this article came out --
What do you think about public spraying with a disinfectant like diluted bleach or diluted Lysol? We can't wipe down all our businesses. Our country is afraid of doing that. It's overkill in China, but our businesses and homes just can't be wiped down everywhere. We have handheld machines to do it in the home now. There are larger ones for public areas. I don't think we have to spray our streets though. Just the places where people gather. Could our playgrounds be opened up again?
What if you get it or have it? How long to self-quarantine? A test isn't needed now --
No, I meant he wasn't going to let covid-19 shut down his life. He was more open and trying to do things that he was doing before covid-19. He is for opening up the country again, such as non-essential businesses, instead of people relegating themselves to be cooped up in their home. The public still needs to social distance, wash their hands thoroughly, not touch their face, and wear masks, but we can start living again albeit with those rules in place and <i>new normal</i> until a vaccine is found. For example, can we open movie theaters again with seating every two rows and reserved seating?
>>It's hard to think of every detail in those circumstances.<<
Actually, I was thinking when people watch the movie again.
After watching it the first time and discussing it, I suppose some would realize Norman is slender and tall, around 6' 3". We see scenes with him and John Gavin who is taller and more muscular. I looked up his height and he's listed as 6' 4". If Anthony Perkins was in the dress in the shower and Arbogast scenes, then we probably would be able to tell that it was Norman. However, since actors who aren't as tall were used and because of the angle of the shots from above, we don't really <i>notice</i> the difference. Even with multiple viewings, we don't really notice it. It could be the music, too.
ETA: The most telling scene is when Norman brings Mother down to the fruit cellar. You can see that she's shorter than Norman. I'm not sure if that was a prop or Norman bringing an actor down. There are different actors for Mother's voice, but I don't think it is so different that you don't believe it's coming from Norman. I think Norman made himself walk like his Mother so he wasn't as erect as Norman.
Eh, he's not stupid. He was careful, but probably got it from Hope Hicks.
Yep, just reading about <i>C3</i> sounded boring.
It's not an arbiter of quality, but I use it to see which ones are the most popular and most of the time quality factors into it. Also, the excitement. I think one has to suspend their belief in watching these films, and if you can't accept something happening on the screen, then it takes away the enjoyment. I admit I haven't seen all of the Bond films, e.g. Casino Royale spoof, or don't remember them too well, e.g. Licence to Kil.
It seems a lot depends on whether you like the actor playing Bond. More credibility? For example, George Lazenby did an okay job and was offered more Bond films, but then he destroyed his own career as Bond by saying it didn't fit the Hippie culture of the 60s - 70s. I hated him after hearing that. What an idiot.
I probably couldn't watch more than two Bond films at-a-time now, but may do so if they are five best ones. Those would be Goldfinger, Casino Royale, From Russia with Love, The Spy who Loved Me, and Skyfall. One could probably toss in OHMSS, Goldeneye, and Thunderball to that list.
No Lazenby wasn't the best. It was Goldfinger with Sean Connery. He is the best James Bond.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service wasn't even close to being the best. Only 6.7 on IMDB. I guess Lazenby could've carved out a JB career. What happened to Lazenby? Scandal? Drugs?
It would've been interesting if he continued instead of Roger Moore.
Oh, I see on IMDB it's Casino Royale with an 8. I would rank some of those less that a 7 around a 7. They seemed exciting watching it in a movie theater.
>>So Arbogast was killed by a munchkin! Ha.<<
Haha. It's really funny after learning what was done. What a joke played by Hitch. I had no idea as the way it was shot never made you realize Mother was a munchkin compared to the shower scene. We do see that Mother is smaller when we see Norman taking her down the stairs and into the cellar. It's shocking to see Arbogast falling backwards straight down the stairs the way he did and breaking his back and then getting killed. It's hard to think of every detail in those circumstances.
The big discrepancy is a taller Mother during the shower scene, but we only have Marli Renfro's character to compare her by. If someone could figure out Mother was Norman by Arbogast's killing afterward, then it would've been prophetic.
>>But Martin Balsam MUST have had to "share the screen with his killer" -- both when Mrs. Bates ran out the door at him, and then when Mrs. Bates finished him off on the floor. I know it was "just acting," but I'll bet Balsam was a bit unnerved to have to face "those women" in those shots. Balsam refused all interviews about Psycho -- I'd have LOVED to have asked him: "So, were you attacked by one woman...or two? Was one REALLY a little person? did it feel to act out the attacks on you."<<
The falling down the stairs backwards and killing scene on the floor was a pretty good piece of acting. I didn't think about Balsam's acting so much as we hear him scream off camera. I think the role of Mother was by the munchkin at both the top of the stairs and bottom. That is the joke Hitchcock got over on us. I think the stunt woman Mother by Margo Epper was only in the shower scene.
>>Perkins was that tall? He doesn't look that much taller than Martin Balsam in their face-to-face on the porch, but I guess so. At the time, Perkins was famous for a very thin build -- and very broad shoulders. One wag said Perkins was "built like a Pterodactyl."<<
I think it's because Reeves is more built like Superman. I doubt people would say Perkins is a bigger, i.e. taller man, standing next to Reeves. I can see Reeves as the inyaface CHPs guy as he could look and play a menacing figure looking to write a ticket and maybe sneak a peek at what's in Marion's purse.
>>Perkins was that tall? He doesn't look that much taller than Martin Balsam in their face-to-face on the porch, but I guess so. At the time, Perkins was famous for a very thin build -- and very broad shoulders. One wag said Perkins was "built like a Pterodactyl."
Clearly, Norman is supposed to be bigger than Arbogast on the screen, but it's Arbogast who gets the better of him and traps him with his words. What does Arbo have. Presence? Control? Arbogast shows he has presence and gains control over Norman. He takes his control and turns away to get a look at Mother in the window. He doesn't waste any time getting to who he wants to talk with next as he's found all that he wants from Norman.
>>Yes, evidently JUST for the shot when she comes out the door and meets Balsam face to face; Mrs. Bates at the bottom of the stairs looks more "Full sized."<<
This really affected me. I didn't know Hitchcock was fooling us with how he showed Mother on the screen. One gets that slightly opened door and light and then the overhead shot which happens quickly and then Arbogast falling backwards down the stairs. That is a highly <i>unusual</i> setup for a killing; It happens fast enough, but gives you time to take it all in and then the killing is done off screen. The stunt woman could've been used there, but we're still trying to take in a big shocker.
>>Ha. Yes. When I "picture" George Reeves as Arbogast, the glasses are off as well as the tights. Just a character guy in a character role.
Except it is rather key to Arbogast as Martin Balsam created him(likely to Hitchcock's liking)...the man is tough enough, but not physically formidable. He's short. He's at once slight AND stocky - he's "takeable in a fight" unless there's something we don't know about him. (Do ALL private eyes in real life have to be fighters like fictional Peter Gunn?) "Superman" is anything but "takeable," slight, stocky, etc.<<
George Reeves would've been too tall to play Arbogast. He's listed as 6' 2" in wiki. Anthony Perkins is almost 6' 3". I read Hitchcock hired dwarf actress Mitzi Koestner to portray Norma Bates. Hitch was afraid the audience would figure it out as Arbogast's murder comes a bit past the half way point. Martin Balsam is 5' 7".
'In the finished film, the "Mother" we occasionally see on screen was actually played by three different actresses -- Margo Epper, Anne Dore, and Mitzi Koestner. The diminutive Koestner also appeared as a "Munchkin" in "The Wizard Of Oz" (1939).'
'The voice of "Mother" in the movie was handled by three other people -- Virginia Gregg, Paul Jasmin, and Jeanette Nolan (who was married to another "Psycho" cast member, John McIntire)."
I think the opposite view is that this version is more a super hero movie like than in the Marvel universe. That's how someone who liked it explained it to me.
That's a good comparison and explanation video. I, too, like the 1998 animated Mulan character and movie better. I didn't get the chi that Mulan had as it seemed to be her natural superior athletic talent and not something everyone possess but have to bring out through training. In comparison, her sister does not have that, is timid and shy, and is just willing to accept her fate as a bride. Moreover, being forced into a difficult or crisis situation brings it out of us. The closest I can think of this is the, "Be all that you can be" slogan of the US Army through rigorous military training. Finally, the other reason for the change seems to that Disney didn't want to upset China's view and was willing to kowtow to it in order to make $$$$s.
Murray is angry at Arthur's confession, but his comments are being aired to the tv audience. Murray continues to get more angry (despite the producer wanting to cut the interview short) and the studio audience is right along with him. They start to boo Arthur and want him off.
It's during this scene that we see how Arthur captures one segment while Murray captures the studio audience. It's a strange, uncomfortable interviews, but the lines are drawn and then the shocker that sets everything and everyone off.
Yes, it's their jobs. I can separate the person from the character.
Besides Phoenix, Robert DeNiro's role as a popular talk show host Murray Franklin somehow made you dislike him. The scenes were "live" tv:
Arthur as member of audience:
Arthur Fleck : I've been the man of the house for as long as I can remember. I take good care of my mother.
Murray Franklin : All that sacrifice, she must love you very much.
Arthur Fleck : She does. She always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. She says I was put here to spread joy and laughter.
Murray Franklin : [from trailer] All that sacrifice, she must love you very much.
Interview as Joker
Murray Franklin : And finally, in a world where everyone thinks they could do my job, we got this video tape from Pogo's Comedy Club right here in Gotham. Here's a guy who thinks if you just keep laughing, it'll somehow make you funny. Check out this joker. ''
Arthur Fleck : Knock knock.
Murray Franklin : Who's there?
Arthur Fleck : It's the police, ma'am! Your son's been hit by a drunk driver. He's dead!
Murray Franklin : I'm waiting for the punchline.
Arthur Fleck : There is no punchline.
Murray Franklin : Well, let me get this straight, you think that killing those guys is funny?
Arthur Fleck : I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's not.
Murray Franklin : Do I understand that you did this to start a movement? To become a symbol?
Arthur Fleck : Oh come on, Murray. Do I look like the kind of clown that could start a movement? I killed those guys because they were awful. Everybody is awful these days. It's enough to make everyone crazy.
Murray Franklin : Okay, so that's it? You're crazy, that's your defence for killing three young men?
Arthur Fleck : No. They couldn't carry a tune to save their lives.
Arthur Fleck : You're awful, Murray.
Murray Franklin : Me? I'm awful? How am I awful?
Arthur Fleck : Playing my video. Inviting me on the show. You just wanted to make fun of me. You're just like the rest of them!
I thought the Dark Knight Trilogy was the best series ever. George Lucas should've limited Star Wars to a trilogy, but he was carried away from the get go and he had to make the serial "fit" after the first three.
Anyway, I'm going to see Tenet tonight. It's trailers were confusing with things going backwards but that is one of Nolan's trademark. I also heard it was the best action movie ever. Not only that, it's in IMAX, another Nolan trademark since he wants immersion. I am ready to watch it more than once maybe not all IMAX. The theaters should get more crowded as people are starting to go back out to restaurants, malls, department stores and the like.
I wasn't sure what Norman saw with the edited version as she puts on here robe very fast. The peeping scene didn't last very long for my imagination to run wild. Even with the uncut version, I didn't think he saw her nude or it would be more extended. If you thought Norman saw Marion totally nude, then what differences did you get from the uncut version?
With Vertigo, it's more obvious that Scottie undressed her completely. He wasn't looking thru a peephole.