RockAway's Replies

Why is it Taylor Swift's fault and not that of the cameraman lol If sports fans are upset about the camera not being on the field and instead being on her, that's not her fault. Yeah, that voice, so annoying. It sucked. I wouldn't say it's a nerd episode, the series is super intelligent and creative but this episode was just a slog. Still interested in where you got this information please. Trump didn't give us the vaccine first of all. I am grateful for any way he contributed in speeding up the delivery for sure even though I don't know what he did. He doesn't get credit for the vaccine. What is Biden supposed to do about Covid that he isn't doing? How does COVID allow people to rig the mail in votes? Why are you so convinced that the election was rigged despite there being no evidence? There has been exhaustive research done on this independent of the government. Exactly. You can't ask these people for evidence, they don't care about evidence because it contradicts their beliefs. They get scared when you question them and will imply that you are a pervert of some sort because they are insecure about it. Confirmed? You have links that prove this 17+ million deaths from the vaccine? I'd sure like to read it. So, we have this vaccine that could save lives and you suggest that it would be better to just have it run through the Earths population and kill off anyone who's immune system can't handle it because the survivors will build an immunity to it. Only the virus adapts, so your immunity to it doesn't work because it has changed to get around that new immunity. A few people died from the vaccine and some people still got Covid despite getting the vaccine. So you are against the vaccine that could save countless lives why? So that only the strong survive? I have to say. What you are saying sounds despicable. Why can't you give me a link? Yes I'm very grateful to the scientists that worked so hard to save the world from this terrible virus. You criticize Biden for not stopping Covid and I ask what you would do and you say, just live your life? So if that's what you recommend why are you on Biden's ass about not doing anything? He didn't say that the pandemic was over first of all. Second what is he doing to end it? Encouraging people to get vaccinated and social distance. Why? What would YOU recommend? The vaccine has certainly saved a lot of lives but it's not perfect, it can't be when you are dealing with a virus. Yes! That's what I was hoping for. Thank Jebus! Yes it evolves, it adapts to overcome your immune system. So what you want is to have people who's immune systems are strong enough to fight it over and over again to be the only ones alive and fuck anyone who's system can't handle it? Just let them die rather than using a vaccine? Is that what you are want or can you explain to me what I missed? I am asking you if you understand WHY you would get Covid again after you've already had it and built immunity to it. People who have had Covid can get it again and again. Do you know why? It's not 'back' it never went anywhere, Jesus Christ. So who gives a shit who dies from it right?! Covid is back? It never left. It's a virus, a living organism. Where do you think it 'went'? It isn't going to just disappear. This ignorance is astounding. Like Kevin James? This is not something that a woman would say . . . Can you imagine a woman writing this on some male actor's page? I would be annoyed. Who cares if you don't want to fuck them? Their purpose is not to be a sex object for you.