[–] BKB (3024) an hour ago
If Hillary had won 2 Terms, you wouldn't have heard 1 word about Covid-19..
1. Covid would have still happened.
2. The "Pandemic Response Playbook" and team would have had a working infrastructure in place to not only prepare the American public but contain the spread sooner.
3. Many, many, MANY lives would have been saved.
Read into that however you like.
What is read into that is DJT naively and narcissistically mismanaged a pandemic that cost the lives
needlessly of American citizens.
Basically in a nutshell, Covid-19 was designed to punish everyone who voted for Trump in 2016
Presidents are most defined under pressure and DJT cracked because he wasn't a very good president. DJT
CAUSED that to happen by a willful mismanagement and an inability to lead or govern. Listen to Bob Woodward's Trump tapes for DJT's unresponsiveness.
and it was a way of removing him from Office.
DJT removed himself from office. Just like he was derelict in his duties during the J6 Insurrection. DJT was incommunicado as a Transitioning Commander-In-Chief for 187 minutes.
Too bad the American people won't fall into line for this an 2nd time
Only delusional Republicans and Trumpists are willing to give a Treasonous Rapist a 3rd crack as the Republican frontrunner.
He was
fired once already and
"Rejected" by the majority of Americans that voted.