Thunder26's Replies

I skipped through those scenes. Cringy! I thought it was really good as well! It was good indeed. It's underrated! Agreed. The movie had so much potential. Half of the things didn't make sense, such as the disappearence of Uriel from the truck, the girl being unharmed after she was mauled by the dog, the children from school etc. I've no idea! Yes, it's much better than the ratings. It's well done for this genre. I don't understand why people rate it so low. I quite enjoyed it. I loved the weirdness throughout. I can understand that it is not for everyone. Oopsy, yes :) I'm curious why? Is that bad. I want to see more comments about it. With such a low rating I won't even bother watching it. They do look like siters, very alike to me. Agreed about the tense scene. It was well done. That's what good movies achieve to make you feel anxious and think what to do in that situation, that was a horrible one. I'm glad that the movie chose to portray the kindness in humans. For me it's better than the ratings. Agreed. The movie was OK, a bit slow but it delivered. She is shown for a short time during the whole movie. She has a secondary role in this. No. Spoilers!!! Have you seen the movie? There wasn't a 6 foot man at the end of the movie, but a skinny 50 year old woman. I had some problems with the ending which included poor acting from the little girl that showed no emotions of fear. A little kid without mom and being locked up would be terrified at least. That put me off a bit. For a Halloween genre it was suprisingly good. Agreed. It actually won oscars 21 as the best foreign film. I thought everyone did a decent job except Maggie (Holly Taylor). In the third act the scenes were pretty dramatic, however her acting was too chilled, not enough emotions for the situation. That's what spoiled the movie for me. It could've been better with some more to reality acting. Yes, it was boring. You won't miss much. There are thousands of better movies out there.