winslow's Replies

The torture affected her, when she was exposed to water she would break down. Someone in a later episode said they had people on the inside who swapped the samples out before they were tested. Most likely it was Darlene via the local sheriff. Could be Kim's number. We see in this episode she would rather be a criminal lawyer, but not a [i]criminal[/i] lawyer . Morgan is leaving care packages for random strangers back and forth on the I-10 Augmentin, basically a analogue of penicillin. She was looking for Cipro because Cipro is a broad spectrum antibiotic. That's what you use if you don't know what the infection is but need to kill it now. I think Augmentin will work for anything Gram-positive, more effective on some than others. With an injection, the symptoms could ease up in a few hours. Taking it orally it may be 12 or more hours for severe symptoms to decrease, but she would still feel like shit for a few days. Also a big no to take those on an empty stomach. I'm wondering if she drank some of that contaminated water the psycho lady was putting out. Or maybe she will have antibiotic in her system if everyone else happens to drink it later, so it won't affect her. He's always said Rick will die before the comics end. People were guessing it to happen in #200, but that's still a few years away. did they have a loud voice or were they whispering? I liked the one where Tara realized she could be in danger from Jax, so at the end instead of getting out of town, she was home rocking the baby and singing. Then it pans over to the gun she had sitting beside her. It was meant to give the guys cover politically. There are other chapters and other clubs now and in the future who needed to see they enforced their rules. But yeah, instead of just coming up with a story, they played it out in part for the audience. We know from watching the show that we don't always see the whole plan until it happens, so a twist at the end is expected. The other women were afraid of Gemma and she was able to influence them. She could not do that to Tara, because Tara always knew what Gemma was, she did not need the life to become successful in her own right. Jax had his own issues with his mother trying to manage his life. Tara showed him it was possible to be free from that. Assume a lot of the mile markers are down and they have to take detours around damaged parts of the highway. Morgan carried one himself across Louisiana. The hurricane is what connects all the different subplots, since the group is separated. Jon should have listened to Sansa and waited until he built up enough of an army before having the battle. But by doing so, and trying to save Rickon when Sansa told him Rickon would be used as a trap, it highlights the difference between Jon and Sansa. Jon is the type to tempt fate. He would rather try and fail than live with knowing he let something bad happen. Davos' influence (along with Ned Stark, Jior Mormont and Mance Rayder) reinforces this belief. Sansa is much smarter than Jon. She is influenced by her parents, but also by Cersei, Littlefinger and Ramsay. The rift between Sansa and Jon carried into Season 7 over Jon leaving Winterfell, but was partially settled when he left her in charge. I think in season 8 we will see Jon benefit from asking for and taking Sansa's advice. That's all she really wanted from him. She is getting burned out on having just 1 client and it is causing her to become self-destructive. She doesn't talk to Jimmy about it very much because after what they did to Chuck, she wants him to see her as successful professionally. Because she believes Chuck stealing her case is a big reason why Jimmy turned against his brother. Jimmy can wake up on any given day and get a new opportunity, and as far as she knows, he's doing it straight up with no scamming. But she is stuck with the 1 client she goes above and beyond for, when she could really use that energy on new stuff. That's what I was thinking about when I saw it. Episode 8 Ruth said she finally stood up to him, then told Henry to go get Alan. This was after Alan got shot, but she was clearly talking about something that happened the past. It has to be more than that, otherwise he could just get one of his regular guys to do it. He might be looking to set up the logistics for the meth pipeline. We still don't know how the 10+ guys got busted- the ones he was paying off who were killed by Walt all at the same time. It's possible the other storyline contributes to Saul. We already know he is connected to Mike both before and after Gus comes along, and he is now proposing jobs to Mike. Just a wild guess, but he could end up taking the role of the vet as the Craigslist of the criminal world in ABQ. A couple episodes back, the vet did not seem very comfortable anymore with his job. wait for it... Probably getting the meth routes set up. When they first met, it was because Mike was going after Hector for threatening his granddaughter. Gus intervened because he wants to keep Hector alive to see Gus wipe out the rest of the Salamancas. Mike made a deal with Gus not to kill Hector, while Gus gives him some work that includes things that hurt the Salamancas. Also Gus recognizes Mike has some valuable skills. Last season he tried to help Nacho get away from the cartel, Hector was forcing Nacho's father to work for the cartel, so Mike had a bit of sympathy. for him. Mike wasn't in on the plot to kill Hector, but he tried to help Nacho cover his tracks after the plan was set in motion. Gus knows Mike was helping Nacho because he was watching Nacho all along, and put 2 and 2 together. In this episode he confronts Mike and tries to use Nacho for leverage, but that really wasn't necessary because Mike doesn't get intimidated and would have done the job anyway.