MovieChat Forums > jennygerms > Replies
jennygerms's Replies
I've noticed with original content on the streaming channels (Amazon, Netflix, Hulu), it seems like there is actually a lot of really good and creative content out now if you get away from cable. BBC also has some great options.
I don't have cable, but I used to love the marathon every new years, and so am watching it on Hulu right now. Man, I love this show!
Yep. I have to say I get a certain satisfaction when Al says "I think it's damn fair", and gives him that dirty look.
You are right, it never mattered. Their relationship had become pretty unhealthy. If it hadn't, they never would have fallen into that situation. So on a break or not, they were done by that point (even if not officially).
Also, even if Ross technically cheated (which I don't defend), Rachael played her part in ending things as well.
I wish Ross had grown some more instead of totally devolving. It would be cool to say that they both had to grow to be right for each other and have a healthy functioning relationship. Not totally sure I would say Rachael ever really got there, but Ross defiantly never did. So I find it hard to be thrilled that they ended up together in the end. But hey, maybe they deserved each-other.
I liked it by the last few seasons when they had some money and made it look decent. But before that I would have to agree, it was pretty boring and looked like a couple of college kids lived there.
I thought Monica and Richard would actually be pretty cute together if they had just randomly met instead of her growing up around him. That just added a major ick factor for me.
She even has the overbite that Marris is supposed to have!
Good one!
Particularly with the drama with Kathrine. I think another small intimate ceremony would have made more sense.
You know, I really loved them both. I can never seem to decide which one I like better.
I say watch it if you like it, no matter how old you are!
They were both stupid and wrong in their own ways imho. But to answer the question, while you might not technically label it as cheating, the lack of respect for the relationship that was shown by Ross sleeping around the night he and Rachael broke up was just as hurtful as cheating, especially when you consider that he lied about it when they got back together the next day.
Also, thank you for making this post, if you hadn't I would have ;-)
Whatever Cosby did or didn't do, his show was amazing. To watch a very funny and entertaining sitcom that actively promoted education, family, culture, service, and respect...where the parents were smarter than the kids...that showed a very successful and educated African American family...well nothing can take the value of that away. Cosby may or may not be a horrible person, I just don't know. But I wish we had shows like his around today.
I noticed that too.
LOL, so true!
Just discovered this site and am so happy! I hope it really catches on and becomes like what IMBD was. I for one will make an effort to post regularly!
Agreed! Both were strong characters in their own right! Sharona was spunky, sassy and streetwise. Natalie was patient, motherly and empathetic.