MovieChat Forums > Pixanaut > Replies
Pixanaut's Replies
I don't disagree.
I was aware of the original title. I still think there's room for interpretation. And I suspect that it was left a bit vague on purpose.
Yeah, can't imagine waiting 3 years after ESB for some resolution. That must have been torture for fans back then. lol
Eps 1-3 are undoubtedly Anakin's story, 4-6 are Luke's story but are also Anakin's redemption story, and 7-9 are... what's left of Luke and Leia's story with some fresh faces tossed in?
That doesn't make a lot of sense... someone who is not a Jedi, cannot be the returning Jedi. Unless, the confrontation spoken of is the one at the end of ESB... but he technically loses that fight and is only left alive because Vader didn't keep hacking parts off of him (and ultimately, that the fall didn't kill him).
Anyway... it's semantics. And I don't remember the films word for word, so I'm definitely not an authority on the matter. It was just a curiosity.
I agree. It dilutes the importance of Luke in the Star Wars feature saga. Especially because if baby Yoda is 50 years old, and by then, Luke is in his 40s (isn't he?), then baby Yoda was around the galaxy before Luke was born. Hell, he could have been sitting off camera on Dagobah while Luke is training... or maybe a few miles off and Yoda didn't introduce the two of them simply for security reasons (and his concerns that he might flip like Anakin did).
Overall, I'm hella disappointed that there's any force or Yoda stuff in Mando.... but I think they're using the series as a bridge to help explain where Rey came from. I think our Mando is the one who stashed her on Jakku as a baby, because he knows she'll have a chance to survive there on her own.
Agreed on the force-ghost. Swapping him out for Hayden was a bad idea... and in fact, to me, it suggests that older Anakin never circled back around to the light, and that using Hayden as the force-ghost suggests that it was at that age where he ceased being a Jedi and became a Sith... as if that's the last point in Anakin's life where he had any good left in him and the force took a snap shot of him, considering that the latest point in his life where he has any good left in him, which is in direct conflict with what he says to Luke when his mask is off.
And it's hella insulting to the older actor who played Vader in that massively pivotal scene.
And he doesn't return to finish his training. His training is completed when he faces his father in ROtJ... so, Luke cannot 'Return' as a Jedi, because at that point in time, he is not a Jedi.
Therefore is must be referring to Anakin. ;)
(Unless the title is referring to Jedi in the plural form.)
I think it is necessary in the overall lore because I think it's part of a huge reveal for the latest trilogy...
What do you see at the 0:26 mark? And what do you think that could that mean for the series?
Imagine that Mando is the one who dropped Rey off on Jakku to keep her safe - like he just tried to drop off Yoda baby somewhere safe. Say, Mando actually loses baby Yoda to someone with loyalties to Palpatine (who in Mando's timeline we believe is dead). What if behind the scenes, Palpatine is just in hiding, and looking to create a hyper force-sensitive child... enlisting Herzog to hire Mando to find baby Yoda to extract some genetic material, and combining it with Palpatine's own force-sensitive genetic material, then making that individual a female at some factory on Kamino could end up being Rey's origin story. And maybe he's done so, in order to create a body that he can re-inhabit once it is ready... killing off the consciousness that we currently know as Rey.
And yet he’s told by Vader ‘you are not a Jedi yet’ near the end of the film.
Holy crap you guys are dumb. OBVIOUSLY there is no Google (I didn’t think I would have to spell it out), I’m referring to the in-universe, Star Wars version of an Internet.
You don’t think they have an Internet-type set-up in Star Wars? At the very least, Mando would have a database of known species on his ship. Hell, there are probably even species that have the intellectual power OF databases.
They don’t have tablets? Really? Come on dudes. They have personal, intergalactic space ships. They have databases, wifi, and tablets.
Is it? Or is it about Anakin returning to the light side right before his death? Hmmmmm??
That could have been dealt with in a single line of dialogue. Or even a Google search by Mando would tell hims baby Yodas are rare and valuable. It didn't need an entire episode.
If only he could act.
Haha... yes, and she out-acts them all, with a wink! I love it. lol
(Mind you, the writing isn't that great for the guys, so it might not be entirely their fault... )
Same here.
When it came out, I saw it in theatres a few times. Then it ended up playing at a nearby 2nd run theatre for cheap, so I watched it a bunch more times there. It was when it was released on DVD that I finally got around to buying a player.
All the music here is a huge misstep. Terrible soundtrack. The trailer music is better than the whole first ep soundtrack.
Agreed... a heavy misstep, probably even heavier than some of that dialogue. The visuals for the show are far more adult in tone than the music. I suspect that is a conscious decision on Disney's part so that if younger eyes end up watching the show, the lighter music makes for lightening some of the scenes. It's entirely probable that Disney has done this bit of helicopter parenting to avoid tarnishing their brand.
I blame The Avengers film... since that third act was basically just a big indecipherable melee, and because the film did so well, all the films that followed have been the same. Even DC films jumped on the 'ignore 3rd act story, replace with 45min fight nonsense' with Man of Steel, Aquaman, WonderWoman, and Dawn of Justice.
I don't understand how it's not repeatable. He's a bounty hunter and every season could be a new bounty or every episode could be a new bounty.
OR, and I would prefer that this is the case, the end of season one of The Mandalorian sets up Kenobi episode one and viewers just roll into that for a season, then maybe circle back to the Mandalorian for another season or else it's a completely new character that is set up in Kenobi who is the person season 3 is about... It'd be a very rapid way of expanding the Star Wars universe, each with their own side worlds to tell stories in, and whole new lines of merchandising for each season.
I'm actually curious would this would be like as a radio play, with surround sound headphones and NO visuals.
And who has been making the fancy headdress, or ornate clothing... for nobody to look at. :/
Seriously, that's the least of my complaints with the show though. The writing is painful. I don't believe the world on the queen's side. And dialogue specifically is really bad. The delivery of that dialogue isn't great either. I don't know if that's bad direction or bad acting choices or both.
Right. Hard to talk about spy stuff without spoilers... lol
Yes, that was the reason, but the person who hired the bad guy didn't want them there obviously. Them being in-country at all was already too close for comfort for that person. So, I can see it as justified from their point of view.