Was this show necessary?

I haven't seen it, and I actually hear it's good, but isn't there enough Star Wars already? Can't everybody be satisfied with the occasional movie (which has turned into a yearly thing) and the occasional book? How long before the next TV series starts? How many more movies will there be?


Absolutely necessary as will be the next series, the one after that, and the one after that.... It isn't necessary for the sake of any story, but it is absolutely necessary from Disney's standpoint considering how much money they paid for for Lucas Films. Suppose they never made another Star Wars movie or series, how would they ever hope to recover the money the spent buying Lucas Films? It isn't as if they will ever recover the money selling DVDs or Blurays of the original movies. They have to do more and more and more... And then maybe in 5 or 10 years they will approach a breakeven on their investment.


This series is the answer to something Star Wars fans have been wanting for decades. For 40 years, all we had for Star Wars fans beyond the original trilogy (and later the prequel trilogy), was little more than the Expanded Universe novels, computer games (which have not aged well), board games, Dungeons & Dragons-type games, and fanfiction. People had been wanting more than just the Skywalker Saga. They wanted to see the galaxy outside of what Luke, Leia, and their friends had to deal with.

I would include "Knights of the Old Republic" and "Star Wars the Old Republic," but they don't quite fit in with the rest of the franchise. Much of the Expanded Universe stories take place around the same time of Luke and Leia, and even after. When the prequels came out, more EU books were made in that earlier time period. The KOTOR section of the franchise takes place in an era 3,700-4000 years before Episode I took place, so you have an entirely different (yet still essentially the same) galaxy out there.

While this tv series might not please everyone, it gives you a chance to see things from a bounty hunter's perspective.


I think it is necessary in the overall lore because I think it's part of a huge reveal for the latest trilogy...

What do you see at the 0:26 mark? And what do you think that could that mean for the series?


Imagine that Mando is the one who dropped Rey off on Jakku to keep her safe - like he just tried to drop off Yoda baby somewhere safe. Say, Mando actually loses baby Yoda to someone with loyalties to Palpatine (who in Mando's timeline we believe is dead). What if behind the scenes, Palpatine is just in hiding, and looking to create a hyper force-sensitive child... enlisting Herzog to hire Mando to find baby Yoda to extract some genetic material, and combining it with Palpatine's own force-sensitive genetic material, then making that individual a female at some factory on Kamino could end up being Rey's origin story. And maybe he's done so, in order to create a body that he can re-inhabit once it is ready... killing off the consciousness that we currently know as Rey.


I don't mind the show, entertaining enough to kill time, but is it necessary? No.
