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daredevil1's Replies
I thought the same thing lol. If he bought a sports car in the intervening years, the lil twerp kid would be dead.
I also considered how does she know he'll actually do what she says, and not just bury the kid alive in the backyard? THAT would be 100x worse than never escaping and tbh 10x more likely than everything going exactly right. Old Nick got caught for having half a heart
Absolutely. Timm is a joke who likes hyperactive ADD Looney Tunes style of cartoons that becomes juvenile patter. I guess we clearly had Eric Radomski to thank for the more realistic and leisurely paced BTAS. I love cartoons like King of the Hill or anime where the pace is super slowed down like irl- it makes the contrast that people bothered to animate it, more humanistic.
I love Dreams in Darkness. FoV is pretty solid due to the animation- that scene where the guy walks through Arkham to confront Crane is nightmare fuel.
That's actually a pretty decent list. I hated the 'monster of the week' ones because they ate up valuable time that could've been spent making a cool Riddler mystery, or the final fate of Two Face, etc. Baby Doll was annoying, Dini's worst excesses. He makes it cringe and then expects us to applaud the pathos in the last minute of the episode. Nah.
I will say I think 3/4 of TNBA is far and away worse than anything BTAS did, with ol' gargoyle Bruce Wayne and his pompadour. I really dislike Critters, Cult of the Cat, Girls Night Out, Chemistry quite a bit.
It was pretty bad. His twinky British voice actor bothered me a lot as a kid. "I am- the Spaht! Hahahahhaha!!!"
Plus it got annoying how they called him Dr. Own, when the joke is his name is pronounced Johnny Ahn.
Agree. It would be so easy to do a. Kraven's last hunt movie; he's an assassin who targets his prey and wears them down mentally for a week before defeating them, and he beats Peter's spirit before burying him alive. He could be really frightening if done right. I actually dislike how TAS made him too much of an antihero ("sErGaY") driven mad by the formula, one of the cartoon's rare missteps.
Probably just instead of Hydro Man tbh, so roughly the same. Which would've made it weird as everyone would forever expect him to be MJ's stalker in other media, so it was a good switch. I can see why they did it besides the Cameron mandate; sand animates much less smoothly than water, and the animation in the HM episodes looked gorgeous. It would just look like dirt and there's not much you can do with it. As the movie pointed out he's either too overpowered or too easily defeated.
I think part of the problem is that the actress playing the daughter is so strident and unreasonably unlikeable (she seems like she hates him just for being a man before anything else) that it's hard to separate her over the top reaction from his genuine failings, at least in this moment. I don't think it was unreasonable that he missed the dinner date for being asleep from the night before. Unforgivable if he missed it for doing coke with the hooker INSTEAD, but not 18 hours previously. She didn't even ask him what happened and he did show up admittedly a little late. It just reeked of false melodrama. I think if it had been a sweeter actress like I don't know, Liv Tyler? He'd seem more at fault.
I honestly don't. He could've done it, but he was a little too smug/self assured of himself irl. As seen by how he did heroin in the middle of filming a movie, and then on top of it didn't consider he'd OD. Fraser was just emotionally raw and... I don't know, beaten down? You needed someone slightly dopey and clueless to play the character. Hoffman would've done a fine job but he'd be performing, without that level of self shame Fraser brought to it slightly.
Calm down grandpa, it's not the 1980s anymore. No one is hating on you unless you live right in the heart of Alabama or wherever. I know, you probably live in Beverly Hills and still think you face discrimination daily in 2023...
I agree with that. I think people badly miss the point purposely if it enables an alternative interpretation that makes them seem clever or 'subverts' what they think the average Joe took away from it. If it's some metaphorical death, then she left him to die alone and I just don't see that being the takeaway. The movie even goes out of its way to show her keep stopping at the door and coming back multiple times throughout the other days (in fact every character does this a little too much, or paces the room when anyoneirl would have just left, but whatever).
Beautiful write-up, glad the film is getting any attention on here. Pretty much agree.
No one... I can't think of a single attractive female on this show (that goes double for Breaking Bad, Jane and Skyler were enough to turn straight men gay). I guess Erin. Certainly not Kim, she looks like a wrinkly old witch who smokes five packs a day AND a big nose on top of it. Kettlewoman... no. Just no...
Wormald used his annoying jackassery on the show to get a regular series role on What we do in the Shadows, or whatever it's called. I refuse to watch it, I can't stand him.
It's super funny and that's the only way I can view it now, but it truly scared me when I was a kid. When the three visitors are killed and Yvette is strangled it's so eerie because you can't see the killer, and searching in the dark for a lunatic is a scary idea the film plays absolutely somber, with the dialogue hilarious but at odds with the visual/musical tone.
But the whole beginning with the introduction of Mr. Boddy is utterly bone chilling; the actor scared the crap out of me as a kid, mostly because of the music and suspense built up before he comes in late, and the dude LOOKS scary. He isn't really funny at all, he's just a slimy, creepy bugger.
How so it is the metaphor for the movie? I know, you wrote this 6 years ago on the imdv boards, figured it was worth a shot.
I get OP's points but I like it better than some of his films (like Inherent Vice) and wish he had just made it a bit longer to give us some idea on where the characters have been and where they're headed. The aimless aspect is the only thing that lets it down a bit and makes it seem somewhat like a student film, as he's since become the master of making enormous films all built around a theme or metaphor. The best way I could describe it would be like a movie about a two hour trip to a theme park- not boring or unpleasant in and of itself, but like the journey to a larger destination we're not privy to.
I don't know about that... I wouldn't consider it "dated," since I don't really consider 1995 that long ago. It's just not "woke" or geared toward the audiences of today, where all the characters would now be young and POC (except the Jimmy character would maybe be the evil white guy).
I didn't like the new Aunt May either. Something about how she said things really weirdly "oooooh, Mary Jane ist home!"
I like almost all of them but My least favorite episodes would be all the Morbius ones, Rocket Racer, and I was never really too wild about the Venom Returns/Carnage story. But almost all of my problems are due to the bad animation; if they had all looked like the first season/TMS animated, then I'd be okay with it. There was no saving all the annoying Morbius crap though, we got EIGHT full episodes with him??
She looks identical to the Mae actress. Yet another stupid decision by the director, why do cast a lookalike for a scene where we need to keep the confusing plot straight? It was clearly not obvious.