MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies

chefao's Replies

Yea I agree. It would have made sense to blind him completely but then the story would lack an antagonist I guess. Other than that it was a good show. Le based vikangz raping my wife and children and enslaving me so based let's portray them with super clean cuts unlike the savages they were so people will buy our viking t shirts. OP the cuckboi This season was great but I had no expectations on how the story should play out since I haven't read the books. I will agree that Aethelwold makes some questionable decisions that don't seem to make much sense. I think the writers wanted to make him as unlikable as possible to the viewer in order for the viewer to be comfortable with his death. By doing so they seem to have forgotten to make him likable enough to justify the support he got; Alfred's reasoning for blinding him is also nonsensical. By removing his one eye and letting him free, he created someone in his court who can think of nothing but revenge. All the problems on this show come from Aethelwold and the way his story was written imo. With that said it was still a great show, I disagree with pretty much everything else you say here. Yea I'm sure that's the thing making this show stupid.... Oh there's definitely room for a 3rd season and I think they should keep going with it (I'm aware they already announced they will, ty for sharing it). There's all sorts of tensions that can rise from the creation of "The Shell?" not only between the inland peoples and the Shell but also between the Offshore and the Shell. There is still much to learn about the founding couple and how the process really came to be after they basically destroyed the inland. Also these resources are they really enough to provide for the inland people or will they be used to build The Shell? We still don't know. I always assumed the Offshore had somewhat limited resources (even though they are supposed to live in luxury) when considering the needs of the inland peoples. Season 2 felt really fast paced. If they manage to keep this pace and keep things interesting I'm sure there's room for a few more seasons. It was just the opposite actually, a great entertaining show without sjw crap it's been a long time since I was able to enjoy one of those. OP just doing el epico trollings. I can't stand SJW crap in entertainment these days but I specifically came here because Daredevil managed to NOT have sjw crap in it at all. It's been a long time since I was just able to sit back and enjoy a show without having to be bothered by politicall and social messages. This is a great show done right. Reality doesn't care if you believe it or not! This is a well known basic formula for the people who write these shows. ASACWHITE Why are your posts just the most retarded ones I keep seeing around this forum? Go grow a brain before posting please. You really think that Kim, the love of his life who gets wet whenever Jimmy scams someone, would kill herself because Jimmy is scamming people. And then Jimmy would shrug his shoulders and go "oh well I guess I'm Saul now". Stop showing up on my screen pls. I loved it, would've been really funny to see some sort of BLM chimpout over Huel but I appreciate that they didn't want to make it political. Worst case scenario some bystander will notice a random underground explosion and report it to the authorities and when they go down to inspect the place the whole project would get busted. You seem to think this was a big deal of an event but really it wasn't, they say they have been blowing up rocks before so this was just one more day, the point of this scene was actually to show the main german guy starting to lose his shit as he was afraid to die when fixing the explosives. Kim is beautiful but I think you should concern yourself with learning how to write, my 5 year old can do better than that. What happens to bugs that feed on zombie flesh? There was never a purpose to this show. It works in the same way shows like Lost and many others do. You come up with something that breaks normality (plane crash into magic island, zombie apocalypse, etc) and then you just talk about the characters and their day to day struggle. It's a very basic formula for the show writers tbh. Uh this show has always been a soap opera show ever since season 2 or so. It's kind of like Lost in the sense that there is no plot, they just come up with something that breaks "normality" like crashing into a magic island or the zombie apocalypse and then they just talk about the characters, meanwhile there's no point to the story. It's a very simple formula and it was obvious ever since Shane died a boring death and the first groups trip to the lab or whatever was also pointless. This announcement really doesn't change anything I will probably keep watching when I have nothing better to watch as I have been for the past 6 years lol. I guess OP thinks their baby came from a time travelling stork. I'm glad with the happy ending too. But have to confess I teared up more times than I would like to admit heh. If you're not for open borders you're a nazi. Lefty logic So you think we should put babies in jail with all sorts of criminals just because their mothers committed a crime? Am I a nazi for pointing out the bullshit you're spewing?