Omg huel thing

Now I know why they made the longest BCS episode how stupid and drawn out.this shows writing is lazy and just flat out retarded that was the most absurd angle I've ever seen on this show 1 that I never seen from BB this has to be last season


It was kind of ridiculous, but I still love watching it.



It's a seem so far fetched they went through all that trouble for a little jail time But I still enjoy itI guess not as much as before




I loved it. This was one of my favorite episodes so far.

The pacing was also so much better than episodes previous, more on the line of Breaking Bad. Even the episode starts with us getting into it right away, instead of the camera sitting on a toothbrush or a cup or a hairdryer for 5 minutes before actually doing something. (That's annoying).


I loved it, would've been really funny to see some sort of BLM chimpout over Huel but I appreciate that they didn't want to make it political.
