MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies
chefao's Replies
It's funny how a black american with his "muh wakandas moor kangz" fantasies tells an iberian who are the moors when the word originated here in the first place to distinguish the muslims from the christians during the reconquista and had nothing to do with race whatsoever. Fucking american blacks infecting everything with their inferiority complex and wanting the world to be blacks vs whites.
It's probably going to be up there with Lost
The moors weren't black you dumbass. Is there anything more cringe than american blacks with their sense of inferiority.
I haven't said anything about GRRM buddy, YOU are the one making excuses...
Some of the sci-fi on the show is fun enough to justify watching it. Not like there's anything good on tv these days.
Impossible position? There are dozens of theories that are a million times more interesting than the trash d&d came up with and they are being written by random basement dwellers. Stop making excuses for those hacks.
You just hate women
Nailed it. The moral of the story is that climate change is highly exagerated and basically just a hoax. A teenage girl who trained to be an assassin for a few months could end global warming in one night so stop worrying about muh white walkers. Based.
If he had no will and no emotion why is he smiling at Dany and why is he exposing himself on the frontlines something only a very proud person would do?
Oh yea cuz the writing is shit.
It would have been much more satisfying if she had to sacrifice herself to light the trenches on fire like she did with a prayer in the middle of the fight. Imagine she went up in flames as she lights the whole thing on fire.
Exactly. I hate people with a stick up their ass thinking they're smarter than everyone else while making the most basic points. The point is that something completely baffling is going on that we can't explain with 2018 barbarian-tier science. If they said the dark matter is interacting at a quantum level on your DNA then I guess it would be enough but does it really make a difference that they wanted to make it more artsy by making it about a prism?
Uh do you actually have a criticism, your comment looks like something a 4th grader would write :o)
I guess for the same reason during a zombie apocalypse they always say "we got to split up guys"
I don't mind the all female unit at all and it would make sense for them to try different methods but it's the interracial crap that puts me off. Other than that it was actually a great movie.
According to the definition of sjw retards like the op, everyone to the right of Marx is "literally Hitler" so yes GoT is racist. Everything is racist. What you gonna do about it?
Negan did nothing wrong. All of the things he did in the past were justified, he was just trying to do good by his people. Negan is based.
I don't understand why they leave
Pipes? I doubt they have some sort of functioning water supply system going on through pipes or even any type of sewer system, so how does that justify them leaving the settlement in the middle of a blizzard? Just poop into a bucket bro.
I came here to ask the same question.