MovieChat Forums > chefao > Replies

chefao's Replies

Ok Timmy I've seen someone calculate earlier that it should be something like a 140-150ton explosion. Then again the math kind of went over my head there and we don't know if they're factoring in some other reactions. It's possible that they just like to say the word "megaton" to easily emphasize that it's a big deal to layman like me. Found it: I would rather amputate all of my limbs than rewatch GoT. I have no trouble with a little poorly trained girl or a clumsy poor trained boy defeating the NK like I told you earlier. You can keep harping on the same thing if you want I'll let you have the last word so you can be happy about it. You're welcome. You have 30 IQ and shouldn't be allowed to use the internet in a just world. Who ever said I have a problem with Arya killing the NK? Take your victim mentality and projection to someone else I'm not interest in hearing it. I think it's beautiful how a poorly trained girl (I call her a girl because she is a girl, if it was Podrick I would be saying a "poorly trained boy") managed to defeat a 10,000 year old undefeated personification of death that is supposed to be climate change. Maybe now people will finally start to question if climate change isn't a little bit exaggerated after all. GoT is a redpill on climate catastrophism. Bravo D&D truly a 10/10 masterpiece. Yea it took 10,000 years to defeat him but all it took was a random little girl with uncomplete training which is equivalent to 1st year in college in climate science. Imagine what a phd would do to the NK. Turns out climate change isn't so scary after all, safe to stay in King Landing throwing plastic bottles to the ocean, win-win. The show portrayed the NK as a foolish cartoon villain who turns out is easily defeated by one girl who didn't even finish her training. While all the fools were fighting climate change, Cersei is the one who wins by making more and more coal mines and ignoring the problem. That's unless you decide to ressurect hordes of armies and do a videogame balance patch on the dragon on the last moment. So climate change can actually be defeated by random little girl? I guess I'll stay over here in King's Landing with my chinese plastic then while you deal with it. It's probably not even real anyways. Based D&D ending the climate change scare once and for all. What a great show. Well I would say it's extremely hard just like there are no unbiased journalists there won't be an unbiased storyteller. I'm not even arguing that there is something wrong with allowing your personal views and moral preferences or even straight up politics to leak into your story instead of battling them. In this case they didn't make the slightest effort to tell a good story. When you say 90% vs 10% I would say that in this case it was more than 3/4 propaganda and the writers trying to leave their mark by telling their nihilistic worldview of the world while 1/4 of their effort was dedicated to the story itself. That's what makes it disgusting. At least hide it a little better lol. Not like the vast majority of people will ever notice these things anyways so they know they can get away with it. It's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention. This is why it's kind of cringe to see people calling it a masterpiece in reference to the universe created when really all you have to do is adapt real life into a fantasy setting. The Dothraki in particular have always been so obvious and written in such a lazy way as Mongols. The reason why these details that you bring up are not nitpicking or inconsequential is because you can see that the writers are solely concerned with the real life cultural and political ramifications their show can have instead of being concerned with telling a good story. This is why the last season is a complete disaster, they had to wrap up their message that nazis bad, nihilism good, empathy bad and so much more. Telling a good story is irrelevant. I mean that's just common sense And I'm tired of cucks Your retarded post is basically a bunch of strawman that noone should bother to even address directly. I didn't even read all of it because it was too stupid for me. Now here are some reasons why season 8 didn't make any sense: Why did the NK ride into the front lines, which is basically the only losing move he could do? Why did the seasoned warriors and generals in winterfell decide to put their catapults on the frontlines and charge their cavalry on a frontal attack? Why didn't Arya's neck instantly snap when grabbed by a being that has the arm strength to kill a dragon from a mile away? Why didn't Danarys see a huge pirate fleet in a clean summer day from high up in the sky? Why didn't these seasoned warriors and generals send scouts ahead like every marching army in history has done? Why didn't the pirate fleet finish off the helpless armies who they sucessfully ambushed, and instead decided to kidnap one woman and let the armies swim to safety? Why didn't Cersei order her ballistas to shoot at Drogon when she had him in range, if she had no intention to surrender? That's just for starters. You can take your "oh you just didn't like the prophecy" strawman and blow it out your ass Do you know the meaning of the word "complaining"? Looking into this Andrew Leatherbarrow he doesn't seem to give me any confidence of his claims whatsoever. If you're going to make a bombastic claim then you should be able to back it up. Would also love to know. Nice information thank you Retarded people will complain about the most retarded things... t. globalist working for Goldman Sachs