Missemd's Replies

Good insight and take on the last episode licnep. I’ve just watched the series and this helped click in place a few questions I had. Thank you for posting this! I haven’t watched Silo but have to admit for and ‘end of the world’ type of show I am really enjoying how ‘clean and bright’ everything is, like Pleasantville or The Truman Show. Ha,ha. I have zero clue what <spoiler>fluorosis poisoning actually is - it’s just what was mentioned in the speech that both Cal and Sinatra attended in Sweden in episode 2, where the end of the world was predicted.</spoiler> We can’t really tell as of episode 4 yet other than <spoiler>the environment outside was in fact survivable.</spoiler> Possibly it has to do with warning of <spoiler>fluorosis poisoning that was the sleeping giant in the Antartic that would within a year start by killing 20% of all livestock that the guy giving the speech in Sweden that both Sinatra and Cal attended in one of the flashback scenes in episode 2?</spoiler> It’s clear there was an actual timeline of events where leaders knew the ‘end’ was coming and they could plan for it so I’m guessing it can’t have been a nuclear attack. They certainly did allude to that at the end of the 2nd episode with the <spoiler>slow focus on one of the planes tail numbers almost directly after a shot of the ‘6 digits’</spoiler> - but I was hoping it wasn’t that easy. SPOILER: I could not agree more. I was so surprised that the ‘moral compass’ of the show went from saying, <spoiler>“I’m married” to being naked in the shower (with the therapist) in the very next shot.</spoiler> I’ll continue. I find it a little more polished and accessible than ‘Wayward Pines’ was and I really want to know what those 6 numbers mean! I’m glad it’s going to have another season. I enjoy this for the most part which surprised me as I have never been a big fan of Eddie Redmayne. The feel of the series and all the European locations were great and even though I thought there were about 2 episodes in there that could have been cut as they seemed like filler, I look forward to seeing what happens next. Thank you so much for the reply! I’m one of the few that actually enjoyed The Golden Compass version of the story and Nicole Kidman’s portrayal of the character but I must admit that this Mrs.Coulter is giving me serious heebie-jeebie vibes with her coldness. Omg him being in his underwear whilst being interviewed drove me absolutely crazy! I was going to write that in my last comment but then decided I didn’t want to be too negative on here. The scenes with his eldest daughter where he told her to come in and ‘spoon’ him whilst he was being interviewed on camera and lying in his bed showed just how emotionally stunted and how over-indulged he is. Given the lack of any mention of his parents one can’t help surmise that he probably didn’t have a great childhood and now has chosen a wife that basically cares for him in a very motherly way. Robbie obviously is the bread winner for the family but she would be doing all the emotional and heavy lifting in raising the children and caring for him at the same time. I’ve watched it all now too and completely agree with your assessment emori. The vintage footage was impressively wound into the narrative and it was very cohesively done. It does give one a good glimpse into the complex life of R.W. - thorns and all. Whilst I don’t think this doco was as well done as the Beckham or even the Arnold one, I did come away with a much better understanding of him and his career. I do agree with O.P’s original comment though that it’s very odd that his parents and sibling don’t get even a single mention. It seems especially odd given how much we do see his wife and children peppered throughout all 4 of the episodes. I was 10 mins in of the first episode and felt like the format of this doco is all wrong, so came on here to see if there was any love for it? After reading your post, pepetoony, it already makes sense that this is just going to be 4 episodes of P.R spin- all part of an expensive campaign design toward a career resurgence. I am already hating how he’s commenting on himself so not sure I can stick this one out? Whilst I love seeing all the vintage ‘Take That’ footage and getting glimpses of such a privileged persons lifestyle, I think I am going to find it hard to muster up any empathy when the subject in question is such an incredibly spoiled and over-indulged narcissist. So true! I kept checking IMDB for months trying to find details of the Season 3 release date. Not sure if the lack of promotion was because of the SAG/AFTRA strike or not but they definitely deserve better promo on Amazon Prime. I love this show. I feel like where it shines are in all the ‘online/upload= good time/fantasy’ scenes but understand whilst I don’t enjoy the ‘real-life=hard work/ downer’ scenes as much, I realise that’s pretty much the whole point of this show. I hope we get a Season 4 but I do worry not enough people are watching. Glad to see there’s some love here for it! I have only just commenced episode 1 and I literally got 18 mins in and turned it off to come onto Movie Chat to see if anyone else had commented / noticed how slow the dialogue of this show is? It feels stilted and very awkward. I’ll continue on eventually but I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed it. Fair enough point. At the moment I'm guessing that the Maria Hill that we have seen is a Skrull and that's why the conversations she's had w Fury have been kind of awkward / negative and lacking in any real details of plans for what is occurring. I'm sure he knows and has been limiting his information etc. Guess we just have to wait whilst they drip feed us the 6 episodes. Hmmm, perhaps it's because so far this is more espionage stuff rather than an outright display of power or a physical battle that's occurring? The Avengers would all be too famous and recognisable for what needs to be uncovered? After one episode I still haven't quite worked out where this all fits in the timeline so perhaps we'll find out the answer to your question as we go further along? Completely agree about the movie being nothing like the trailer. It’s quite bewildering to me that they misrepresented the film in such a manner. I too didn’t love this movie and agree it was dull and plodding, particularly Tilda Swanston's character (and I normally love anything she does) BUT the exotic visuals and fantasy elements of this movie have stayed with me for many, many days after. Worth seeing that alone but I am kind of happy I saw this on a streaming platform and not at the cinema. I think this plot line sounds great. I would have loved to see it and I would have especially loved seeing Hemsworth and Pine on the screen together as Father and Son. Shame it never happened. So bad I didn’t get past the first 15 mins and I had to try twice just to manage that. I can’t believe this was made in the last year or so because it has no nuance, mystery, intrigue, wit, cleverness or charm. A big glossy, waste of time nothing that’s an insult to how far tv shows have come in the last 15 years or so. I actually thought I was watching a Disney spy show for kids- it's that basic! Yeah I thought Sally's voice becoming more robotic (and the videos of her talking also began looking a bit more sinister) was just another hint for the audience to help them to come to the realisation the TET was the AI and that the SCAVS in fact were the leftover human race.