lasteven's Replies

I think if I hadn't seen Season 1 already then I might have felt more favorably about Season 2 and thought of it as a decent enough way to pass time if nothing else was going on. But it was going to be nearly impossible to live up to Season 1. (I enjoyed the first three seasons, but it always felt like a "pace yourself, one a week is fine" kind of thing.) I was in a little stress ball on the couch, worried sick about the cat. I get that you could argue it was a great way of getting at the role of a defense attorney -- to try to save those locked up, unable to help themselves, without resources, and there will always be too many to save -- but I just kept seeing that furry little face and how the cat broke out of the room to come sleep with him in bed. Yes! And, regrettably, it also ends up making you ignore other people that you never intended to ignore, and there's nothing in the warning message about that happening. Perhaps expanding that warning would be a good idea. Someone else has given me a contact email to pass on further suggestions, and that seems like the best idea going forward. LOL! Thank you so much for that -- I'll definitely do that this weekend. That's certainly a good point about quoting. It's a shame though because an Ignored person may end up commenting in the Trivia forum, and then any replies in the thread as we search for answers to a crazy mystery will be lost. Makes it really hard to participate, especially since Ignoring can't be reversed. That's certainly not a typical situation, but apt. 7/16/2017 according to the promo poster that's at the top of this page. I don't imagine that it would change one way or the other this close to the air date. Hope that helps! If a reply thread stuck strictly to the original topic, I think I could go with that, but I've seen a lot where more good info was shared further down (some of it about something else entirely). If any tweaks are going to be made, I would respectfully like to see the Ignore feature only eliminate comments by the user that was Ignored, not anyone else. I appreciate all that is done here for users, but that would be something I would like. In the one situation I was personally involved with, using Ignore did also take out any replies by others (not ignored) who replied. If all replies were strictly on topic, that might be one thing, but I've seen plenty of threads where replies wandered and often became very interesting, and about things completely different from what the Ignored party was discussing. It seems that, if you Ignore one person, it can end up having a much wider effect than you might want. Replies to Ignored parties can still be of a lot of interest. It seems kinda nuclear in scope. I was intrigued by the prophecy, too--I need to watch that scene again. The change to it does seem to imply that the show is going to take a different path, or at least have some misdirection. If, hypothetically, GRRM is helping guide the last few seasons, based on his notes, then he may have provided info on his plans for Cersei. Tyron has certainly become a huge fan favorite, so they may be planning to cast him in a certain light, although they've kept with him killing Tywin, Shae, and soem other things. (If anyone ever comes back to the forum) I felt that the deleted scenes from Season 2 with Duncan in them helped make the case in my mind that he wasn't going to be the best match for Veronica. The dialogue and staging seemed strained, like the deleted scene where he essentially does a song and dance to declare his love in the schoolyard. Veronica's relationships with Logan had an edgier quality in that they had both loved Lily, both lost her, both lost parents -- they were coming from a similar place of mistrust, sarcasm, and loss. That said, I'm not sure they should wind up together, at least not as the people they were at the time of the show. They wouldn't necessarily be good for each other, even though teh chemistry was electric. Ideally, they would both grow and change, then come back together again (as implied in the movie), but they were potentially disastrous with each other as teenagers. Genuinely interested actually--I like learning about movies from forums. I saw your positive comments on "Logan," which I just saw and also enjoyed. I'm not asking you to justify anything, but I understand if you would prefer to post about movies you didn't enjoy. Goodness. In this situation it would just obliterate most of what I've been reading (not in a good way in terms of ignoring just the one user). I had hoped that some tweaks had been made to that function. Thank you. What are some of the best movies you've ever seen in theater? What did you think about the movie ("Get Out")? (Not the issue of reviewers being bought off or a studio conspiracy to manipulate ratings and influence audience perception, but your own experience watching the movie?) Is it the time that elapses between theatrical release and the Blu-Ray that will lead to the backlash or the Blu-Ray itself (content in the featurettes and ability to view and re-view at home)? Who do you think the huge backlash will come from? Will it be from the general public who doesn't buy it in the numbers projected? Or critics in online/print venues that change their stated opinions? Or online discussion forum postings from private citizens? What will quantify a huge backlash? Agreed--just watched last night and didn't care for the song choice. The tone felt all wrong. Yes, there was. It was covered more specifically in one of the short prologue films, but almost undetectable in the final cut of the movie itself. It seemed that there was a lot of debate about the issue prior to the movie (wondering how a gay couple would be depicted or what had motivated including a gay couple in a crew of couples), but the question seemed to drop off the radar as soon as the movie came out. We just finished the season, and I'm still mulling over how I feel about it. There were some threads that I enjoyed, and there were others (no spoilers) which made me feel like I was trapped inside a Public Service Announcement. In a way, I felt as if much of Ellie and Alec's dialogue was being guided by how things *should* be handled in that kind of investigation, but not necessarily the reality of it. Unlike previous seasons, I felt there were some sentimental, crowd pleasing moments like Maggie's big speech at the end, but that didn't mean I didn't enjoy them. :-) I'll be thinking it over for a bit, definitely.