SaltyCaramel's Replies

It's supposed to be a Boston accent?! Sounded like a "Forrest Gump" accent to me, or some sort of southern accent. I don't know, I'm not American. Because they were trying to make the crappiest movie possible. They almost succeeded. I'd say [i]Die Another Day[/i] competes with this one. I think it kinda sucks too. I was excited for it, thinking I was gonna get a lot of John C. McGinley moments, but there really only was one. I promptly deleted it afterwards. It probably would! I was thinking of Lawrence, actually. That film had an intermission! Something this one clearly needs. It's actually spelt "Auf Wiedersehen". What a terrible movie this is. I can't believe it held a 7,7 rating on IMDb. I was expecting 4,6. Yeah it DID feel long, but more like 3 hours long for me. :P I really liked the first two thirds, then from the part were Logan and Mini-Wolverina were sitting around in a car it started to drag on, and the heavy-handed tropes and cliches that followed. I agree, and I think the doctor fella was weak as well. Assuming you were talking about gold tooth cyborg fella. But Xavier and Logan, damn. They were good. The Wolverine film in Japan? Did they add another scene for the Japanese version or something? lol Absolutely agree. The dialogue pleasantly surprised me. For a comic book film, it's way above the standard. The film fell somewhat after Xavier's death. What a fucking crybaby. "I couldn't pay attention because of all of the foreign names!" Waah. Haha, matt, I reacted on exactly the same thing. That operation is being followed by what, 50 people? And only she is the one who can tell that the Pakistanis were reacting/not reacting.