Slowest movie ever

Is it just me, or does this feel like the slowest movie ever? For comarison, 60's movies generally feel slow compared to today's films, but are actually shorter (films tend to get longer and longer). And this just blows them out of the water. Every... dialouge scene... is... slowly... spoken. Everything that happens here, takes ages. And there are so many, I don't know what to call them, reaction shots to everything as well.

I get why it takes its dear time with everything: World building. But do we need to see Ryan Gosling ponder the existance of his AI woman in the rain for three minutes?
Seriously, you could cut 1.5 hours of this movie out and one wouldn't notice it.


I agree mostly with your assessment. Villeneuve was given way too much leeway with the run-time here.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


On my second viewing I felt that the movie goes pretty quickly, overall. A lot of time to linger with good shots, and still enough content to make it come together and truly justify the running time.

And if you want a really slow movie, try Barry Lyndon... Hell, even Drive is slower. Lawrence of Arabia is another good candidate.


I was thinking of Lawrence, actually. That film had an intermission! Something this one clearly needs.


You mean the new Blade Runner is slower than the original. How is that possible?


Would an intermission have helped you?


It probably would!
