BlackMass's Posts

He often states that "humans have barely any empathy". Is this actually correct? This libtard meltdown is fucking beautiful... Being religious is every bit as delusional as believing people can change from male to female (and vice versa). The despicable Tom Hanks fails again. Only racist blacks and leftist simps consider him not guilty. So... is it woke? Why are Jews so widely disliked? What did she do? My [female] cousin claims to be "queer" but is set to marry a dude? What has this bald sack of shit done to merit the ego he has? Shame he doesn't seem interested in making films anymore... Do pro wrestling fans represent the nadir of the human gene pool? Admit it: you LOVED this as a kid, but later sold out on it due to criticisms about "product placement"... Could this dim waitress be any more retarded? How come conservatives oppose the trans "delusion", but slurp up the delusion of the beardy sky fairy? How does the far-right reconcile the film's tremendous critical and commercial success? Why have Jews been hated/expelled/killed across numerous countries throughout history? Tired of 2TIER constantly squealing "far-right" in order to shut down dialogue. Men seriously let that jaw tell them how to live? Why are the working classes such terrible people?