ReelReviews14's Posts

When did you quit watching nuWho? She's the Man Elliot's lesbian wife discovers he is actually a straight man Will Elliot be returning all his "Best Actress" Awards? Elliot Page's disturbing record of bigotry against women, hispanics, gays.... I am now a member of the LGBTQ+ community! Glad I am NOT watching this season. MST3K revival cancelled! WOOOO!! What happened to Star Wars fans crying about "spoilers"? What a Terminator 7 Hollywood pitch will look like.... David S. Goyer is THE TERMINATOR! BORDERLINE ROTTEN on RT!!! Terminator: Dark Fate title makes it easy to mock Remake NOBODY asked for is bombing. Gosh, I wonder why? At least the Terminator theme music is GREAT in EVERY movie! Worst David S. Goyer franchise killer? Terminator or Superman? Worst David S. Goyer franchise killer? Terminator or Superman? Hack writer David S. Goyer now TERMINATES the Terminator franchise! How do they get 'I'll be back' and "Come with me if you wanna live' into this? Written by David S. Goyer