[email protected]'s Replies

Yes you are on point gch525. I just finished the film and agree with your views. Very intense and disturbing to me.. I wondered why there was such little dialogue between the women wen in captivity. The lead actress was amazing and conveyed so much in just her facial expressions. Just finished the season..It was MEH. She comes and goes from the crime families house with no problem, never found out what the ceiling hole above her bed was ( which would have let the viewer see the stuff she was hiding on the canopy of her bed)... Then they kill the daughter Stacey to leave the baby for Marcella? Oh come on now. I feel like they rushed the last 2 episodes to get a neat conclusion. Meanwhile everyone is dead with basically no justice. What about her kids? Just went off to live her life with the baby? I think they wanted to show that someone was still tracking her at the end, in the scene at the airport,,,but it could just be her imagination like the last 2 episodes were. I heard its the end of the show, no season 4.. Thats ok, we will all survive. Its pretty forgettable... especially since its been a year since your post.. I will forget it in about a week, lol The entire movie was moronic. This was a lame movie, that bordered on being a Lifetime movie. Dennis Quaid was good..The couple were both morons. Especially Annie the wife. I knew about this show because I have Showtime and saw a preview of it.. Hardly any publicity for it. I will try back to life soon. lol yes it almost ruined it,,,and shes such a pretty woman too...but yes that snarl is pretty bad. Sometimes good shows like this are missed or hard to find.. I cant believe you binged it all in one night...Kudos to you, lol .. I like binging too. I hope we see a second season.. It was really good. Agreed. Yes that phone call was so intense..right after the dad slapped him so hard. I was glad the father met his demise, just so Theo could not be hurt anymore. Can you tell me why there was blood in the bathtub in the ending scene? I know he shot the guy on the ground, and his Russian friend got shot in the shoulder....could he have taken his friend home to mend him? Thats where the blood was from? Yes you have good points. I thought the movie couldve been better if it was shorter,,,and the fact that he met every single person from childhood per chance on the street was a bit ridiculous.. What was the blood on the bathtub from at the end? What about him meeting every childhood friend on the streets of NY? I mean come on now. He sees the Russian friend in a bar, the other childhoods friends brother in the street... Too convenient for me. Fascinating film,, loved it,,, only gripe I had was all the noise throughout the movie..It was distracting. Other than that, a great film. Totally agree... I loved the show, except the reason they broke up the first time was frustrating..He only need a place to stay for a few months, and never asked her if he could stay, so they end up breaking up for a really long time after that. I hated the miscommunication all the time. He was the best actor,,I mean in the therapy sessions, he couldve won an award. I thought she was adventurous enough to wing NY with him since it was just a year. But she was more self centered than him, throughout their relationship. I was hoping she would go with him. Plus I thought the brother had some other evil stuff going on, since he terrorized her her whole life it seemed. Damn straight...Any smart woman always has money that would go undetected. Yes and that dress she wore had red embroidery on the bottom hem,,They even showed a close up of the fabric. I agree with you ESLTeacher I agree... I watched the Tiger King, and thought this movie would be as unreal as that , but for me it was just sad. It didnt captivate me like crazy Joe Exotic and that clan of characters. I think because of so many children involved. Had they not been involved, I would have been more fascinated. Just watching these young kids living with these people was the saddest part of the movie. They dont stand a chance with them. Kirk did rehab but god knows if she stuck it through. Her son seemed to thrive having his mother back. I pray she did right by him.