MovieChat Forums > vicky_lc2001 > Replies
vicky_lc2001's Replies
Agreed on so many levels! Pacino was on fire in this film and I have yet to witness any actor touch his magnificence here! The fact that he didn't win an Oscar is a travesty beyond belief. De Niro is overrated Imo.
That's not true about Vito, like Michael he reveled in avenging himself or taking part in revenge. And like Michael he was very patient and would let it fester for years until he had the perfect opportunity. He pretended that things didn't get to him but they did.
Old neighborhoods and even new ones filled with one type of ethnicity tend to continue to speak in their own language, whether in the US or abroad. Look at the Hispanics or China town, so yes it was realistic for Vito to have continually spoken Italian in his Italian ethnic neighborhood.
And I prefer the Sicilian language with subtitles used over English. I guess I don't mind subtitles, I'm used to it.
They've been removed this year.
Like Omar Sharif, an Egyptian who played Russian or Rami Malik another Egyptian who played French?
Kingsley isn't light brown, if he is it falls in the white European spectrum.
Also you can still be a Jew and a Catholic at the same time.
Sjw? Really now? Lol.
Although I agree somewhat, we need other films that focus on other groups.
You're right. I don't remember where I got the 1439 date.
Didn't the English (Anglo saxon) come from northern germany anyways?
Wow, did not know that.
He was the one everyone had a crush on the show. And that wouldn't have happened if he didn't look the way he did and the actor wasn't as charismatic with great lines.
I also loved Rome and didn't like the second Octavian as well, much prefer the first and younger one.
Fimmel is 2 inches taller than this actor, he's 6'0" tall.
They also had very tall kings at the time or a bit later. The following were 6'4" I believe:
Richard the Lionheart
Edward IV
Henry VIII
Richard III was considered small at 5'8".
That was very insulting I agree. Bringing another woman into your wife's home and introducing her to his wife.
How is it different from showing the Vikings in a great light raping, pillaging, and murdering people in Vikings?
I don't understand how you guys can fault anyone for defending themselves from these savage attacks. And I bet you would be the first to fight back, defend your children and loved ones, and get revenge if you were raped, your entire family tortured and killed before your eyes, and you were left destitute as your home was raised to the ground. Disgusting alright but more on who you identify with and who you demonise.
And no, I'm not English. I'm not even a westerner.
In the books he was 19, on the show he was in his 20s.
What? Alfred was known to have stomach problems hence the milk and apples.
And the Queen's distrust of foreign medicine/remedies is no different from westerners today no matter their creed of their distrust of foreign medicine. C'mon.
My mom and I find him infuriating. In the first season, after the death of Ragnar, he and Brida immediately go back to Bebbanburg instead of going to Ubba to be the first to give his side of the story. You can't say he's unfamiliar with Danish culture as he's lived with them for over 10 years. But fine, an understandable mistake, at least he could use it as a lesson learned. He will know next time.
And then what happens? He doesn't learn. In the battle of season 1 episode 5 which they win because of his acts, he is advised to go straight to Alfred before anyone claims his victory. Did he listen? Nope. He goes home to his wife and when he finally goes to Wessex, he is surprised the Younger Odda has claimed the victory to be his. Sigh. So what does he do? After years in England and learning their culture, he confronts the king in Church in front of everyone acting like a wild buffoon bringing his weapon in his presence and makes threatening gestures towards the king. How exactly does this guy have enough marbles to strategize when something as simple as learning from your past mistakes )with his unrestrained impulsiveness) he cannot do nor control?
Does he learn from this episode? Again no. He decides to go raiding pretending to be a raiding Dane (so they won't get in trouble, hush hush you see). Then proceeds to NOT wear a mask and gives his REAL NAME to everyone who can hear. So what a shock that Alfred eventually hears of it. Really? All his achievements were taken from Alfred's so it simply isn't believable that they are his. Btw, he decides to scam the king and the priest and to side with the problematic raiding Danes only to be swindled by them yet again on the end! If it wasn't for Iseult, he would've left empty handed.
And he never ever ever learns, from one episode to the next, he acts like Homer Simpson in that famous mouse test. An idiot to behold on our screens. Completely unlikable. And this examples are only a minute example of his asinine actions within season 1.