MovieChat Forums > vicky_lc2001 > Replies
vicky_lc2001's Replies
How old is she supposed to be, 14-15? Why do you call her a woman?
Spanking is child abuse yet dismembering and torturing babies to death is ok. You guys make no sense whatsoever.
The Middle East, Africa and India have horrific crimes too, though 2/3rds of those are Caucasoid as well.
Also Azaria had a weird lisp, what was up with that?
By Egyptian blood, the OP is referring to his ethnicity, his genes, his ancestry, not his nationality which is American.
Coptics are Christians and were around before the Arab conquest. And no, no matter how much you want to steal ancient Egyptian history, Egyptians were not subsaharans nor Black. How would Moses, a Jew, A semite like many Arabs, pass as an Egyptian if they don't have similar looks.
That's not up to entitled people who want a man's legacy destroyed to decide. It's up to Freddie's wishes and his loved ones who want to honor that.
No way. SBC is just another Paul Prenter wanting to employ Freddie. Malik was great in the role.
The bible is a collection of books, the new testament is a collection of various biography of Jesus, the old testament is a collection of laws, allegories mixed with history.
Joseph in Egypt and the exodus is a part of Egypt's middle kingdom history, almost 500 years prior to King Solomon.
Thank you!
Saw this last year or so and I think this is the best one. Robert Powell is mesmerizing in this, truly beautiful.
Though The Passion of the Christ and Jim Caviezel are also fantastic!
These two along with Heston's Ben Hur and The Prince of Egypt are the cream of the crop of bible films.
Forget dvd, I want it to be remastered wide screen HD bluray!
There are blue eyed Semites and I don't just mean European Jews, but also the Semitic peoples that remained in the Middle East whether they are Jews, Christians, or Muslims.
People think they're soooo much better than the Salem witch hunting days, they're not. So many times people jumped into a mob mentality lynching party within recent history, check into the Michael Jackson case, the me too movement, and the witch hunt in the 80s where they imprisoned for decades innocent parents for pedophilia accusations.
More like Harrison Ford. Pitt is more of a generic pretty all American boy model type, and that isn't Pitt. Pitt is more macho and more earthy, isn't a pretty boy, and is more of a scoundrel charmer like Ford was.
Tom Cruise is very different from either Pitt or Ford.
Would you recommend it?
Because in Judaism, they sacrificed a lamb to God yearly which was meant to be temporary only. It was prophesied that the lamb of God, the Messiah will be the ultimate final sacrifice which is why lambs are no longer sacrificed in Christian churches. Worshipping God is about making sacrifices at the altar, in Judaism they are actual lambs, in Catholicism it is Jesus the ultimate perfect one Lamb of God.
Jesus founded the Catholic Church and is a sect of Judaism, a post Messianic Judaism.
In the film however, it is heavily implied that his condition is due to incest.
Idk it looks like an environment is being created which may give rise to them.