MovieChat Forums > wisheestar
wisheestar (99)
Anyone watched it yet?
Which story was your favorite? *spoilers*
Were Cam and Mitchell a good couple together?
More stories/scenes outside the hospital?
When is this going to air?
Watched it for the first time!
Rewatching the show!
The cast of Community reunites for table read
Question about SPN conventions stars.
The ending (spoilers)
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Oohh, I agree 100%!!
I just finished episode 4. Both parents are freaking dumb. I would think that this story is fake if it wasn't based on a true story. My goodness.
I do have to finish the show, but the decisions they make are frustrating to watch.
Just watched it. I liked it too. I wish it was a bit longer imo. But at least we gonna get a sequel :)
I'm sad!! I though this show did really well and had great ratings too :(
All my favorite shows got cancelled this year :(
I was 50/50 on both sides. And I was somewhat disappointed with the final episode. Cause it all ended up being an "misunderstanding" all along. And they all had was kinda a bit too perfect for an ending.
So that final few seconds was amazing!! And it made up the whole episode, even show for me. But tbh, I wanted it to be Malory
Just finished it and I loooved it. Catchy songs too!
And I didn't knew much about the movie, except that it was a musical and that Hugh Jackman was in it. So I was surprised to see Zac Efron and Zendaya in it too haha.
RIP :(
IMO, I think they were planning on killing Doyle towards the end of the season maybe? And Wesley would fit perfectly with the 3 of them. The 4 of them would be a great team. (Wesley came right after Doyle's death episode.)
I think that Glenn Quinn's personal problems got so bad that they had to change the directions of S1. I remember that time, that the fans looooved Doyle. They even signed petitions to bring him back on the show etc. Eventhough, he was only in 9 episodes, the character was quite popular. I think that if he stayed longer and died in the season finale, that his impact will be even bigger.
Btw, I'm rewatching Angel now. Just finished episode 1x10, with Wesley's arrival haha. And the payphones, and phonebooks haha. Aah the 90's...:)
I've read various interviews.
Joss Whedon always said that he planned his character death from the beginning. But the other creator David Greenwalt said it wasn't.
But I think Joss didn't wanted to talk out Glenn Quinn's personal problems on/off set that he just went with that story.
But I heard that Glenn Quinn did got fired tho. And maybe they wanted to bring him back in the later seasons, since we never got to see Doyle's body. But then the actor's real life tragedy happened, sadly. I really loved Doyle.
Just watched it too. I think it was quite good. And I wasn't bored at all, story goes straight to the point. No dragging out stuff. But too much jump scares indeed. I think the runtime is also what made it good for this type of movie.
I think they will definitely going to recast. But it's going to take some time to find one. And it's going to be a heavy burden for that actor to carry it on.
And it also could be that Chadwick gave his approval for a recast. Since his closest friends and family knew about his cancer. They probably talked about it :(
Ugh, I'm still devastated :(
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