MovieChat Forums > Verónica (2017) Discussion > The ending (spoilers)

The ending (spoilers)

Very good movie but it's sad how the movie ended :(
It's good to see a different ending rather than the cliché route but I wanted Verónica to live. Unlike most of the main characters, she was very likeable and smart (well except calling for the dead obviously)

Sad that nobody believed her except her siblings. Well, if we get a sequel. I hope Verónica/devil will haunt those supposed friends of her.



I didn't care for the movie as much as you did, it just wasn't scary enough for me and I felt very disappointed by it. However, like you, I was saddened that Veronica actually didn't make it. That was sad and a shock.

Some people are calling this a psychological film, however, when the detective went in at the end, it looked to me like Veronica was levitating in the air. She certainly could not have done this herself, there had to be a demon or something otherworldly causing that.


I think is based on the real life event of Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro who died in Madrid in 1992 after trying to summon her friend’s dead boyfriend, that died in a motorcycle accident. Her family found her dead in the bathroom and doctors couldn’t find the reason. For family claims that even after her death the house still hunted.
I guess the movie director wanted to end like the real-life counterpart.


I thought something was going to happen to the detective since he cut himself.


I don’t think he cut himself. I think the picture was hot, as evidenced by the burning photo after. He just got burnt

The detective wasn’t in danger because he wasn’t part of the seance.


Well, it’s based on a true story in which a girl died. So they weren’t going to do a happy ending. The real life story didn’t have a happy ending.

One way of looking at the ending is that she protected her siblings by killing herself. So she wasn’t a total failure.
