MovieChat Forums > JustinJackFlash > Replies
JustinJackFlash's Replies
Haha. Well, that's the movie star life I guess.
Does anyone know if he's still available for work? I have a role he would be perfect for!
"the realness of a guy sick with cancer turned into a immortal, is a cool story"
I don't know many who would claim that story to be realistic. It's never happened to me anyhow :p
Deadpool is cartoonish. You can't Dark Knight it.
As for Dredd, that was also pretty impressive. But with Dredd you can clearly see where they cut corners. You can't with Deadpool. Dredd was a great film, but you can kind of feel it was cheap. Cheap but well made. Of course, Dredd is set in the far future, so they had a hard task and did very well under the circumstances. Being a fan of the comics when I was a kid, I was very grateful for what they did and it's a shame we're not getting a sequel as the film was merely the tip of the iceberg of what they could really do with Dredd's world.
A shame. I was kind of expecting this as Rupert Sanders other film 'Snow White and the Huntsman' was similarly visually dazzling but empty and uninteresting underneath.
The first film was made in a very bad time for cinema. Most summer blockbusters tended to be like this, empty and expensive. No Inceptions or Dark Knights back then. Charlie's Angels was just a sign of the times. By the time the sequel came out things had improved a lot, but they're not gonna change their formula for the sequel if the first one made them money.
Deadpool cost 58 million to make. A lot of rom-coms cost more than that (Julia Roberts and Richard Gere snorefest 'The Runaway Bride' cost 70 million). Deadpool looked very expensive in relation to it's budget. It was an incredible feat. Most action films twice the budget look less expensive and have less action and scale. I was very impressed.
"To me it seemed that the show quickened its pace when they were done with the books anyway. A lot of the things that happened last season, although a long time coming, seemed a bit... abrupt and sudden (maybe that's just me)."
No, I got that too. A lot did seem to happen that season. It's prob because Martin told the writers the plot details a little too loosely and now they don't have his deep texts to draw from. So that's prob why the next two seasons are shortened too.
But the way a story is told, for pacing reasons, it is drawn up into three acts, beginning, middle and end. Each act lasts a certain amount of time in relation to each other. The beginning lasts a quarter, the middle two quarters and the end a quarter. So for example, for a two hour film the beginning would be half hour, the middle an hour and the end half hour. Certain things happen in each act so the audience has a sense of where we are in the story while each act ends with a big event that propels us into the next act. (Forgive me if you already know all this)
So in the case of Game of Thrones, the big event that tells us we are now moving into the final act would be Daenerys and her army setting sale for Westeros. Which means there is a quarter of the story to go. As we have had six seasons this would mean seasons 1-2 are the beginning, seasons 3, 4, 5 and 6 are the middle and thus we need two full seasons for the end. To shorten these seasons so drastically would really interfere with the careful pacing of the show.
Haha, you've really thought about this. I hope it's not that easy though.
"Since this is a Song of Ice & Fire, an alliance of Jon (Ice) and Daenerys (Fire), is very likely. It'll be interesting to see what the White Walkers have in store though, they will probably be injected into Season 7 when we least expect."
Yeah, I thought that would happen. After defeating Cersei, instead of fighting each other they join forces to fend off the White Walkers.
Yeah, First Class is my favourite X men film. It changed the tone to a more playful vibe that totally worked for it's 60s setting. There's more character development and the emotion hit deeper, especially at the end. Fassbender's Magneto was superb, his arc truly gripping, from his nazi hunting to his perfect delivery of "I've been at the mercy of men following orders".
Days of Future Past has better action but First Class has better drama, and I think Mathew Vaughn is a better director than Brian Singer.
Objectively X2 is prob the best X men film, but I enjoy FC more and feel it's kind of an injustice that DOFP was a much bigger hit. No disrespect to DOFP.
Quentin Tarantino was black
Well I'm sure he had plenty of wood for ya ;p
Well, the fat ugly guy is a much better actor. :p
"To me, it was "look and us gals being just as silly as men, aint that a laugh?"."
The problem is, while I'm certainly not saying women can't be funny, I don't think they can do that sort of funny. And to be perfectly honest, I don't think many men can either. It's a very rare and unique thing to get right.
"Also, juvenile jokes are sometimes really funny."
Yeah, I find juvenile jokes are usually funny when it's using the humor to make some kind of point or there is a juvenile side and a grown up side. Good examples of this are things like Borat and South Park. Both very childish, but Borat is using that immaturity to reveal major flaws in our culture and the ignorance of the western world. South Park is usually making some sort of satirical social or political observation. In Deadpool's case he's bringing down a genre that takes itself very seriously by humiliating and mocking it's stereotypical characters. When the bad guy introduces himself as Ajax and Wade responds with "That sounds suspiciously like a made up name." That's funny. It's funny because he's saying something we've all been thinking for a long time.
Ghostbusters doesn't do anything like this. It's basically four women rolling around gurning and making silly noises. Four Jim Carreys. All four characters are almost exactly the same.
"Ghostbusters had lot's of problems, one of the being following a good joke with a bad one. Which happened all through the movie."
There were a few funny jokes admittedly, but I think I laughed out loud about 3 times in the hole film. It seemed to be going for that oddball kind of Anchorman humor. But they didn't really get why Anchorman was funny.
"Mikehat?" What the hell was that all about?
Exactly! I'd even say fart jokes are more juvenile than dick jokes.