MovieChat Forums > JustinJackFlash > Replies
JustinJackFlash's Replies
I think Nic Cage was the better Caster Troy.
An under-appreciated film. It just disappeared without a trace. It was quite watchable. Woody Harrelson was very good.
I'm not sure they exist for streaming services.
The an immensely popular and high profile show. I hear loads of people talk about it. But they don't watch it on normal tv because that way of consuming shows is almost dead. The only people who watch normal tv tend to be middle aged women. How many middle aged women do you think would be drawn to Mr Robot? So of course those ratings are going to be bad.
Everyone I know watches it on Amazon. I bet most people who watch it don't even know what channel it's originally broadcast on. I didn't until reading this thread.
It's one of Amazon's flagship shows so I'd imagine they pay USA a hell of a lot of cash for it. Which would be how it makes it's profit.
I think this show is perfectly safe and I look forward to Season 4!
And then some!
Good point. It seems film fans appreciate the twist whereas Marvel fans dismiss the whole film because of it. I'm a film fan.
It's a forgotten classic.
Ok, calm down. Let's not go too far. It's far from the best show on Netflix. But it is pretty good.
I'm guessing that the hate for it is just kind of a fashion, hip thing. It's the last of the four Marvel Netflix shows, it's time to not like it now.
It wouldn't surprise me if The Defenders gets the same kind of response. Especially with all the expectation. It wouldn't matter if it's the most profound thing to have ever been exposed to a camera lens.
S1 is easily the better season. But S2 was still very impressive and was very right to not imitate S1. All it's criticism is completely unfounded. The consensus seems to be that- S2 isn't quite as good as S1, therefore it's terrible. This makes no sense to me. And unfortunately this dismissive attitude has probably killed our chances of getting S3.
Actually, I take that back. She was very good in 'Her' and in 'Don Jon'. It's been many years since I've seen it but she was probably very good in 'Lost in Translation' too.
The Resident Evil films are hated and derided by anyone with even a dash of cinematic awareness. The first Tomb Raider film, less so. But it still isn't well liked. There has never been a film based on a video game that has been considered a genuinely good film. But Tomb Raider is probably the best of a bad bunch.
I think Alicia Viakander is an awesome choice for Lara and I'd love it if this film turned out to be good. The reboot games it's based on are superb and would make a great film if done well.
But even with the fantastic pedigree of Assassin's Creed, that film still turned out to be terrible. So while I think this Tomb Raider has the biggest chance of breaking the video game adap curse, I still think it will probably fail.
Lets hope they prove me wrong.
There is nothing outstanding that I can remember from any of her roles. But she's far from terrible.
I believe The Incredible Hulk was a flop.
Yeah, that's good. As is the traditional Star Wars music. But I guess that's a given.
I don't know what that is. Is that the traditional Star Wars score?
I'll concede that Clones and Sith are just about passable entertainment. But The Phantom Menace is absolutely diabolical. The acting is pitiful. Lucas had become so bad at directing actors that he made experienced thespians like Neeson, Mcgregor and Portman all look like awful, wooden actors. Portman has even said that studios wouldn't employ her after these films.
The dialogue is an absolute joke from beginning to end. Un-enganging, flat, nerdy and charmless. Jar-Jar Binks is the biggest mistake since a young, political fellow named Adolf recieved a few too many votes. He is one, long, excruciating cringe.
The screen is constantly filled with soulless cgi. That and the action amounts to just constant noise.
There is no subtlety, no intimate nuance, no magic, no character, no depth, no wit.
Too much hate? I'd say it doesn't garner quite enough hate. I'd even say it's worse than Batman and Robin.
Darth Maul's lightsaber is kind of cool. And I really had to rack my brains to find something good to say there.
While I believe the whole SJW thing is a part of it. I really can't believe that there are enough people who are both that way inclined, and interested in this kind of entertainment to create the amount of derision Iron Fist has received. Enough to sway a 19% percent score on Rotten Tomatoes. Possibly by far the lowest score I have ever seen. So we're talking about critics to a large extent. Critics who have frequently given rave reviews to countess films and shows that have been far more racially ignorant than Iron Fist.
I don't think I've even met an SJW in real life. And surely if this "anti-racial" casting were that important, then wouldn't those reviews have mentioned it. Yet I have yet to read a review that has referred to it. Their criticisms seem to be mainly that it's "boring and uneventful". The only places I've seen mention the "anti-racial" aspect is on forums.
It really does seem to me that people genuinely consider this to be a terrible show. No politics.
These same people who convinced me to sit through 1 and a half seasons of Agents of Shield despite it being unengaging, uneventful, uninspiring, repetitive, geeky (in a bad way), witless, bland, intensely wooden, tacky, full of plodding exposition and filmed with absolutely no care or creativity whatsoever.
'It gets better' they kept saying.
But that is made for a built in audience who don't really care about quality, they'll lap up that kind of crap day in day out no matter what you feed them. Yet Iron Fist is actually made with good intent behind it. One is praised, the other is slated. The critical media really is in a world of it's own.
Yeah, it's like they want to rush it and draw it out at the same time. They sound very conflicted.
Surely they could have found a more recent photo.