MovieManCin2's Posts

"The End" originally aired 1/29/20 What's with the "black magic"? Is it just me, or does Marvin Gerrard look like a giant tootsie pop.... Does anyone else have a plastic bag full of plastic bags? A clerk asked me for ID recently. His name is spelled Carrey, doofus! "Your call is very important to us.... Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? If you see me talking to myself, just move along. Life is like a helicopter. Just once, I want to username and password prompt to say, I think we should all leave poor Will Smith alone. If Jada Pinkett Smith doesn't appreciate jokes about alopecia... Chris Rock couldn't figure out why Will Smith was on stage approaching him. What is Will Smith's favorite band? Did David McCallum's character die at the end? WTF?? When I get a headache, I take two aspirin.... Tip: Save business cards of people you don't like. When the pool reopens,