kittmaster's Replies

Yes, I think that makes perfect sense. I found it compelling when he explained that to Penny, that Rooster should hate on him only and not putting the mother in a negative light for whom he promised to help protect her son, or at least that is what I got out of it. Thanks for the dialog. :) I went back to view it again and everyone is right, it certainly is the seatbelt end. So I guess the other half of my question was that he was apologizing to Goose because he would be responsible for his sons death too? Overall I really enjoyed the movie. Seems to be a mixed reaction...but I grew up on the first....that they did a good job with the movie and content of 30 years passing. Yes, for the most part that is correct, many retire and travel. If you take a look at the price point on them, they are very expensive depending on what length and model you choose, so many in the younger generations will not be able to afford them as they are trying to buy a 1st house, kids, and life in general etc. I was 47 when I bought mine as I'm in a fortunate position to be able to do so. I've been to England about 25 years ago, beautiful landscape and architecture. Would the police rob me and leave to be die in the cold... ;)..... LOL. If you don't know the lifestyle.....then your question is more than valid, and it seems like you don't. When it first opens the scene, he is exiting an Airstream travel trailer and a "newer" one at that. I own one and they are an amazing home away from home with all the amenities and an American classic. They have been around since the 1930s! This is the one I own built in 2019: His is probably around the same timeframe based on when the movie was filmed and time to market....but that is a best guess. They show it quickly, so that is why I say, you either know and live that life, or creates your question at hand. Hope this helps. Chris @Alex, that does make a good explanation to my original line of questioning about their technology. Where does that info come from? I'm not super hard core on to want to know every nitty gritty detail as over the years I've just grown to accept the movie/franchises on their face, but based on all we have discussed recently, it certainly does make for a new insight to their history and tech. Thanks for any additional info! @Customer, very good points, and truly as a Star Trek fan, your parallels do make sense put in that light. As I mentioned, it would be very interesting to "explore" this area of their past not as a prequel, but broaden the canon of the predator universe past to present. Alex (below comment) mentions some interesting back story of their lore, I will be responding to his response to see where that info comes from. Thanks for the dialog, nice to see it from another point of view. I'm sorry, I would have to disagree. As someone who has been in the semiconductor industry for decades, it takes some dexterity to run complex machines and produce things on a micron/submicron level. I can't even imagine a "weak" "wimpy" predator in an engineering team and working in some type of manufacturing environment to build their tech. You may be right, but even if I lift my disbelief of your assertion, I just can't wrap my head around "geek" predators.... but I guess a movie that explored those areas would be a must see. Gonna be good...can't wait. ….and with that observation has always led to another question of mine...… their technology... based on what you said about the basics...where did their tech come from? I can't for 1 second imagine an "engineer" predator coding and producing technology for their race to go out and hunt the galaxy...… let alone build a galaxy class spaceship to transport them. I guess it is one of those things you check at the door. Predator and Aliens are my 2 most favorite this is not a bash in any way.... just an observation coupled to yours. Hmm, I do recall the recorder and wave patterns.....but in the end, he had his mask off, so how would he be using it since the vertical visual audio representation was of the scanning of the thermo patterns of the target and synced to the recorded audio? It seems like at that point, the "intelligence" of the creature is shown and had the ability to communicate even if it was in parrot form? I know what you are saying like when the "laugh" of Billy was stepped up and got increasing louder. I could be wrong, but when I watched it again specifically for that analysis, that was the interpretation I got from it, I'll have another look. Your take on it certainly treats it as a ruthless tactic and I wouldn't put it past a badass like a predator to zing the target! I didn't say YOU should be fine with it, but apparently he was since that was the type of business that they were in.....and all of the risks that are involved with what they do.....Just as TylerAArse also mentioned. Because he flat out told him that he was being leveraged on the phone call. He knew the kid could be a compromise point in the future and ultimately became one. He knew that given family or friend, family wins every time and that would be the logical choice. I'm sure there are some who would say screw particular family members, but most aren't wired that way. True, but a multi-million dollar pay check doesn't just fall out of the sky....strike while the iron is hot.....and have some permanent history good/bad in a franchise. Really a no brainer in my opinion. ^^^ This ^^^ My 93 vette uses the passkey code chip for the ignition, if you leave the key inserted, the battery will be dead in about 3 weeks as the chip allows lots of current to pass and drain the battery. You are correct, my thought was because of how long she was being shown as full frontal....with a broad paintbrush, usually its pretty "quick" and was a good what....20-30 seconds? I'm surprised it didn't catch an NC-17 rating...I thought full frontal nudity pushed it from R to NC-17. I remember seeing the theatrical version and it became my favorite all time movie.....then somewhere in years later when they released the extended version with the tunnel guns and missing footage.....that REALLY made the movie in my opinion. I agree, the tech aspect still holds up and a great story too. Actually the predator could communicate with humans.....when the predator was pinned down at the end before blowing himself up...he actually repeated what Arnold said just before he was going to smash his face with the rock to finish him off but didn't'....Arnold said... "What the hell are you?"....and if you listen carefully as the predator regroups with his eyes....he literally repeats exactly what Arnold just said to him......"". I was watching that part and for all the times I've seen the movie....I listened closer and rewound it a few times to verify what I was hearing....and once again before I posted this. There were other times where the predator would voice project "Anytime" which was what Mac said when the predator was stalking them early on. I think when you are presented with something so unearthly like a creature that is nearly transparent.....even the most highly trained combat operative would move to the next level of WTF and fear....holding the trigger like that until it "stops"......was exactly the right visceral response. I wish they would make more movies using these techniques...CGI has its place..but this is one of my favorites right behind Aliens (1986). It's funny, I just watched this randomly today from my NAS....but if I had to take a guess....when you see him take his mask off in the swamp before he beats Arnolds ass....when he lifted the mask off....the "thermals" showing Arnolds profile then switches to "almost" a solid red/amber and that was blurry as my "guess" would be that the burry mask thermals we see is really the visual profile matched to the predators natural eyesight.....even if it appears blurry to us.