PaladinNJ's Replies

She was gorgeous 1. Anthony Mason (former NBA player...RIP 😥) 2. Perry Mason 3. James Mason (actor) 4. Hank Williams 5. John Williams (composer) 6. Paul Williams (songwriter) 7. Remo Williams (Fictional Character from The Destroyer novels) 8. Dave Mason (singer/songwriter) 9. Venus Williams 10. Mason Reese (child actor) 11. Hollis Mason (the first Nite Owl from Watchmen) 12. Mason Adams (actor) This is a premise that could work with any protagonist if done right. But as Son of the Mask proved it can also be easy to botch the job big time. It's quite simple. Warren got to know Ted over the course of the film, so by the end of the movie he learned he could trust him. RIP. Good character actor. 2-18-2025 Movies with Time/Times in the title Movies with the word Hour/Hours in the title Movies with Doctor/Dr. in the title Sitcom scenes where something goes up in flames Fully animated movies that use stop-motion animation as opposed to CGI. Movies with the word "with" in the title (PART 2) Favorite Elvis songs, movie clips, and/or TV appearances Movies with a house on FIRE! TV’s fictional police officers who are the main character & first appeared in a novel Movies set in WASHINGTON, DC Movie and/or TV Scenes that Show Someone Signing a Document Movie/TV Scenes at a Gas Station and/or Convenience Store** PART 2 Celebrities who killed people Lesser Known Original Song’s Overshadowed by Their Cover Versions Songs that are about mail and the post office Movie with an extramarital affair by a major married character War Movies Set on the Homefront TV/movie scenes with a police raid. Movies where computers play a central role in the plot! Fruit Song Titles Actor/actress who died 2015-2025 and your favorite movie of theirs Shauna Grant Attenbourough She is definitely NOT gay. Her character Willow was made gay and she paid a visit to Angel. The whole scene she could not keep her eyes off Alexis Denisoff (Wesley). Understandable since they had just gotten engaged. But it really got hysterical when Willow asks about Fred and she keeps staring at him. Robbie had heard Glen use the same exact phrase several times. That’s how he realized they were on the plane. Loved the Rapping Grandma. I found it amusing but definitely had room for improvement. 2020: - There are some uncertainties about the donations for the third and fourth quarters. Public announcements stopped, and it's unclear if any donations were made or where they went. For example, the last publicly known donation was in July 2020 to the NPS for monument repairs. 1. Sean Connery (2020) - Goldfinger (1964) 2. Bob Uecker (2025) - Major League (1989) 3. Ellen Albertini Dow (2015) - The Wedding Singer (1998) 4. Leonard Nimoy (2015) - Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) 5. John Hurt (2017) - Rob Roy (1995) 6. Carl Weathers (2024) - Rocky (1976) 7. Tom Wilkinson (2023) - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 8. Danny Aiello (2019) - Moonstruck (1987) 9. Jerry Lewis (2017) - The Delicate Delinquent (1957) I agree with you on that. Easy to answer. The producers save money over producing 20+ episodes a year. FYI: in the sixties it was 30-40 episodes. With actors' salary demands these days that would be impossible to pull off. The easiest thing to do is find a way to blame the enemy rather than accept that someone got disillusioned with the way things are going. Just for the record, I do NOT believe these were organized by either Democrats or Republicans. Nothing can justify what they did. These guys were psychotic and acted out on that. Both were registered Republicans. Also if you’re counting the bomber which doesn’t make sense since Trump was nowhere near. They say he did it to impress Trump. Exactly right. Both were Republicans They set it up for another season. Thought it was going to set up the next follow up later this year