The 'Ear Thing' makes no sense
We're told Warren (if I remember the name correctly) has 'a thing' about his ears. He doesn't let anyone touch them.
It wouldn't even be a big deal, if it wasn't a major part of the ending of this movie - the stalker is so trustworthy and a good human being that Warren lets him touch his ears.
All this is fine, good and dandy, until you realize that Warren let the bullies in the beginning VERY near his ears (if not touch them) and fiddle with his earmuffs (or at least one of them).
Warren let ESTABLISHED EVIL PEOPLE touch or 'almost-touch' his ears just fine, without freaking out at all!
So does Warren even have a 'thing about his ears' or not?
Also, Warren totally freaks out EXACTLY about the same stalker guy (too many names to remember) that in the end, he doesn't.
If the ear-thing is some kind of BAROMETER for 'goodness', then why does he freak out about the protagonist earlier in the movie, but not at the end of the movie?
Does this mean anyone could plausibly just 'get to know him well enough' and then he wouldn't freak out, defeating the whole idea of 'barometer of goodness'?
Does it mean Warren's 'thing about the ears' FLUCTUATES, so sometimes he freaks out, sometimes he doesn't?
Does it mean the protagonist CHANGED from an a-hole to a 'good guy' (by becoming a stalker..)?
Does it mean Warren sometimes lets evil bullies touch his ears without problems, but then freaks out of a 'good guy' touches his ears, but then later does not freak out when a 'good guy' touches his ears?
When you note all the 'ear-freakouts' and what we've been told about his 'ear-thing', there's no congruency that would make sense. It just doesn't add up, it's basically completely random!
This means that the whole thing the 'goodness of our protagonist' is measured by, MAKES NO SENSE.
What else is new, movies often make something happen one way UNTIL the audience is told differently, and then it never does that again, or vice versa. Jedi speed is an ability, until it suddenly isn't. Ears can be touched by bullies, but not the main guy, but then it can.
Someone doesn't have an ability until we're told about it in the movie, then they have that ability - HOW OFTEN do we have to see this lie-trope in movies and TV shows? It makes NO sense!