MovieChat Forums > gbu > Replies
gbu's Replies
It was the gangster with the scared face.
Row, row, row your boat.
- Are you sick? Are you sick? What is it?
- You gotta to do or your mothers will die if you don't singing!
- I'm gonna kill all your mothers along with the rest of you!
One of the greatest villains i ever saw in film growing up, i used to swear he was an actual criminal let of the mental asylum just for the is role!!
Great calves though!
I always wanted the twist at the end after detonating the bomb at the mayors meeting was that there was a second device at his daughters concert and blew her up too!
Yeah pretty much, its mainly 90mins of walking and searching then 30 mins of horror, with torture deaths and misery.
I was hoping he would at least take a few with him.
I presumed it was Arthur that had stabbed them in the eyes when he got there to rescue his wife but it could be just a weird implant like what was placed in the males throats.
More like BuzzLightyear with guy-liner and a wig tbf!
Who actually does change them?
Is it whoever runs IMDB or do the actors or agents themselves request ?
Agreed! Couldn't get into season 3 at all this was much more like it, still depressing but at least they didn't end with Harry going the same way as Percy.
Just watched again for the umpteenth time and its deffo Walter Cobb, no idea where they got Arthur from!
You seem to be basing it on that shes a real singer and Diaz isnt, even though its not a film about a singer that just happens to be the part shes playing.
Diaz in this was as perfect as you can get and even the Kylie is cute shes juts no hotter then Diaz and i think Diaz is the better actress.
I was more disappointed they never got him to fight Richards for real instead of the deepfake i think that scene would of been better!
I did think that at first too but the cups all had clear liquid in so presumably was just poison, if there was some blood they would've been pinkish red.
Some cops have a second income so not really a stretch to imagine he's calling round on his way back from an emergency leak.
Not necessarily, its a big road with a lot of houses and could of parked in a neighbouring street or just out of view and walking the beat as many cops do, not every cop drives a car.
I guess if he was going to visit every house it could look like he was just a beat cop going door to door to warn residents of burglaries, so if any did watch him leave it just looked like hes going to them all and i doubt anyone would wonder why he isn't going into a car.
Not only that but when her one night stand got his head shot apart her face and said white top was spattered in his blood then the next scene she runs outside her flat and the top and face show no signs of blood at all!
Nothing Like True Lies at all.
I always thought you was paid out on the odds you took the bet at, so by putting his money on a 40-1 shot that's what he would of been paid out.
The odds dropped after he put the money on it which makes sense cos like you say it drops on how much action is placed but shouldn't change once you've placed it at those odds otherwise its pointless betting on an outsider with high odds if they are going to drop after you've made it.