MovieChat Forums > Jes' Sayin' > Replies
Jes' Sayin''s Replies
OP is a little disingenuous. Angelus News is a Catholic news platform. Just a wee bit biased.
I got the impression the Nigerian cardinal had a mixed policy. Liberal on race, conservative on gender.
There are non-Roman Catholic cardinals, though they are rare. Historically and in modern times, most cardinals are members of the Roman Catholic Church, but exceptions exist. For example,
Eastern Catholic Churches: These churches are in communion with the Pope but follow Eastern liturgical traditions. Some Eastern Catholic clergy have been appointed as cardinals. For example, Cardinal Lubomyr Husar of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and Cardinal Béchara Boutros al-Rahi of the Maronite Church are prominent examples.
I thought it was supposed to represent that African refugees are migrating into Italy?
Don't be a jerk to others.
No, but it sounded like his papacy would have taken things back to the days of Julius II. Pope in armor carrying a sword leading troops into battle. Is that what people want in a pope in 21st century?! Julius III?
Lawrence is the dean of cardinals. He is the one authorized to break the seal should he deem it necessary.
He was also running the conclave. He did have to have some minimal contact with outsiders in order to be able to accomplish the task.
That's not altogether true. There are only around a hundred cardinals and often they get appointed 8 or 10 at a time. If someone in some obscure country suddenly became a cardinal the others wouldn't know them at all.
It's a very interesting behind-the-scenes look at the way a political situation gets resolved, and applies to congresses and assemblies all over the world.
Why does he have to be corrupt automatically? If everyone is evil how can anyone be good?
What you should really be questioning is why people still adhere to those super old antiquated ideas.
The dog was adopted by Iza.
He was being interviewed by Zbigniew Brzenski, who was Carter's NSA director and a native Polish speaker.
I think the main point had been to criticize Tony Blair and his supporters over their handling of the Iraq war.
Part of what makes it so cool and different.
I agree, and Juliette Binoche was excellent as well. It's both an adventure and a misty-eyed homecoming. For me, 8/10.
Yeah, it's pretty good. Each episode is a different crime, but the relationships continue between episodes. I notice they struggle a bit to include the librarian in the story.
There was one episode - number 3 I think - that seemed to have some sizeable logic faults, but the rest are okay. These episodes are in some ways not traditional mysteries in that they reveal the culprit pretty early. I guess it's more about the thrill of the capture, and the relationships.
Rossif Sutherland doesn't seem very much like his father or half-brother.
The third lead, Mya Lowe, doesn't seem to get as much screen time as her placement in the credits would seem to indicate. I see them trying to fix that in the later episodes.
<i>A French Village</i> is a very good series that includes WWII Resistance activities.
You kidding? It's just hilarious! Guy's been killing people for ten years. Has no idea how to handle a baby.
I don't think the movie is actually asking that. The two characters - Martin and Debi - are not in competition.
Didn't he love Poppy though?