Explain the Ending!!

So he won the vote, but who was going into the big building at the end? And why? Why repeat the Scarrow scene-with a loud plane flying over? Did we go to war? HELP!!



Yeah, the cast had me really looking forward to it, but in the end there wasn't much in the way of stand out moments.



Correct he lost the vote and we went to war.

I also agree that the last speech was poor. In what way did the ultimatum he delivered, demonstrate that he was living in the real world that Charles Dance mentioned?

And why did he not persist with the proof that the Iranians did not kill the PM? It seemed he had the house at the news of this development, but then let them off with "I'm not certain".

Totally unsatisfactory end to what had been a gripping piece.


I think the main point had been to criticize Tony Blair and his supporters over their handling of the Iraq war.


The idea that the British government is going to take seriously the kind of bluster that gets pumped out of Iran, which specifically has a powerless front man doing its speechmaking, seems ridiculous.


Dawkins lost the vote. That is why the General was returning to his office and Felix was checking out his appearance before (presumably) taking over as PM. The noise of the planes was UK going to war against Iran. What I did not quite understand was the reaction of Charles Dance's character who seemed to support Tom throughout but was unhappy with his final speech. I am not sure if Dance wanted war or he simply thought Tom used the wrong tactics.


I trust I'm forgiven if I seem to have lost the plot so to speak as by the time the next episode came round a whole week had lapsed and I'd forgotten some of the finer subtleties.
I have to admit I was expecting a cliffhanger ending where Dawkins turns around the consensus of the House because he had irrefutable proof that that the PM's death was the cause of that drone fuel canister accidentally exploding and not the work of an agent of Iran. So this story starts with a disaster and ends with one. Well call me old fashioned but I thought that was crap it made the whole story pointless. But isn't that just like life, is what I'm supposed to accept?
I don't want life, I want hope!


A major sub plot that did turn out to be a damp squib was Dawkin's time in Serbia and the cover up of what happened. It was written off in the last few minutes in a conversation between Dawkins and the reporter which I thought was not satisfactory. That the former PM was not murdered was a bit of a red herring but without his death Dawkins could not have become PM and got mixed up in all the subterfuge.


So it was more about power struggles not bombs or terrorist and petro chem and here's me thinking I hope he gets to the bottom of the plane crash and brings petro chem to book. For me it needs to be watched it back to back otherwise it makes as much sense as trying to follow 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' on a weekly basis.


There were quite a few red herrings, but to me those were what made it so intriguing. Watching Dawkins's enemies slowly harrassing, then encircling, and finally trapping him, reminded me of watching a wolf pack trying to bring down prey.

Very well acted, enthralling viewing. I loved the original book, 'A Very British Coup' and the TV drama that was made of it. I thought 'Secret State' was a very good update of it. It did a very clever job of weaving in recent economic and political events.

Excellent stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Wasn't the Charles Dance character cross because whichever way the vote went, our hero (his link with power) was out of a job? If the govt was brought down or if the MPs defied him and supported it.
I found Gabriel Byrne underpowered - he seemed permanently tired: the final speech (like most of his lines) sounded like it was delivered by a man in the final stages of something.
He kept ignoring warnings in the way a man fighting for survival just wouldnt do.
And yes Bosnia - why bother? He was in all sorts of siht without a skeleton that just vanished.
And wouldn't the baddies have spotted the tracked phone was swimming down the Thames - why not drop it in the street so it would be picked up?

I just keep thinking of holes - a bit annoying as I found it quite gripping at the time.


Yep agreed, started well and with a great cast, it was just confusing, unconvincing and in places very silly. The ending was the final straw really, I don't even know how things turned out. Actually thought they'd ended it ambiguously so they could do another series...


Yes. I agree with your observation. Must admit that after viewing Episode 4, I too was wondering about the outcome. Now that I know there is no continuation of the story, I feel very annoyed with the ending and indeed, with parts of the plot such as (1) the feeble excuse for Iran to declare war on Britain (2) the far from plausible way in which almost ALL characters treated the PM (rudely, arrogantly, threateningly) (3)Charles Dance's reaction to final speech (4) the ludicrous improbability that most characters were being 'bugged' no matter where they were! Gosh! I couldn't wait for Episode 4 to be screened. Now I feel deflated because an obscure conclusion has no follow-up in a further series.


Ending? That's it? 4 episodes with nary a breast thrust in our faces?


A great story idea very poorly handled.


I liked it but I do agree there were problems. Silly things like the way she kept looking over her shoulder at GCHQ, I mean really? The spy network doesn't keep constant watch on their spies? Byrne was good, I liked that he brought it back to the people in the end. He is in Scarrow thinking those people died for a corporate/bank manufactured war. Drone fuel accident or intentional it played into the hands of the conglomerates and democracy suffers. Again, it had faults but still head and shoulders above some of the terrible telly we've had in recent years.


The PM constantly saying "I don't know" in his BIG SPEECH reminded me of our Mr. Obama. Very little to chew upon at the end of the proceedings.


The impression I got was that he lost his vote and that the usual scumbags are still running things (bankers, oil men, the military/industrial complex). Kind of like in Oliver Stone's "Nixon" where the hippie chick confronts Nixon and realizes that he really doesn't have all the power to stop the Vietnam War etc, he's also just a pawn in this game.


my personal take was that, in asking Parliament to vote his Conservative Party out, asking for a vote of "no confidence" in his government, he broke any support from Charles Dance's character, and that the vote did in fact remove his party, which accounted for his ambivalent grin (I lost but I got what I wanted). However, from other responses here, I guess I was wrong.

my personal take was that this was about whether or not we should allow mis-information to take us into war, which is not democratic, but is instead allowing minority rule by the wealthy under the false flag of democracy.

Here in the US we 'can' see that these lies are being spread at the highest levels for political causes, and even President Obama has repeated the lie that the Iranian President said he wants to see Israel obliterated when he said no such thing. Just yesterday on Democracy Now I got to watch President Obama speaking to Israeli television about how the Iranians can make a nuclear bomb in a year, when all of our upper level intelligence workers have been careful to point out that Iran has not decided to make one, and could not make that decision in secret without them finding out or seeing materials or resources diverted to that purpose without our seeing some evidence of it happening... All the experts continue to say they aren't making a bomb, but all of our politicians in the two major parties continue to say they are.

So, the point, IMHO, is that we should stop voting for politicians who don't care enough to speak the truth and represent the People whom they represent.


I don't think that was the point-- the public DID vote in a PM who wasn't willing to keep shovelling bullsh!t and he just got pushed out and the war-mongers took over regardless (a coup of sorts). I thought the point was the politicians aren't in charge either ("you get to the top and find out it's the middle"). Play along or get trampled.


He lost the vote. The powers in the shadows returned. They got their war, they got all their puppets back in place.

The novel this is based on, and the original "Very British Coup" were set during the Cold War and the naive "power of the vote" vs. "the power of money" was much more stark and contrasting than in this story.

Given the British setting, I think many in an American audience may have been left cold by the machinations of the Parlimentary system and how political power is wielded.

Great cast, but I agree setting a Cold War story in today's world loses something in the translation.


Great cast, but I agree setting a Cold War story in today's world loses something in the translation.

Where did you see a "Cold War story"? There weren't any "Superpowers" or buildups of nuclear missiles. The background was the slide into fascism and corporate control, the same slide that has already ended in the perpetual war that resulted from 9/11. The disappearance of the previous PM's plane was about to be used as an ready-made "false flag".


I too, thought he'd lost the vote at the end. However, as the credits began to roll, I noticed his framed photo on the wall of Prime Minister's, was still the last one, there was no-one above or below him, like the other ex Prime Minister's.

So, am I wrong in thinking that perhaps it could have been a bit of an ambiguous ending?? Was, perhaps, him standing in Scarrow, a flash-back and/or him returning, thankful he got justice for these people??

I'm probably wrong, but is worth a mention... food for thought and all. ......


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