MovieChat Forums > samoanjoes > Replies
samoanjoes's Replies
Not gonna lie, I actually did once when I was in a school. I didn't do the whole slip and fall thing, but I stepped on it and my foot slid and inch or two.
Snow everyday and permanent nighttime would be perfect.
Actually I can. When I was a kid I drew the cover of The Terminator and his name is on the top, and I've been able to spell it since.
<blockquote>I don't care what anyone says.</blockquote>
This movie sucked though.
parkerbot should not be in any position of power.
Those cinnamon heart things are top notch.
I don't see them there.
Honestly, I find the entire holiday irrelevant anyway.
Iron Maiden isn't and Madonna is. It doesn't make sense.
As relevant as Hotspur.
If you see the list, there's a lot of head scratchers.
It's an honour to receive approval from Arnie.
There have been worse recipients.
I talk a lot, but you'd need to read the posts to determine it's shit. I actually read your post history.
You know I have a sick compulsion.
The best one of the movies and I don't care what anyone says.
Soon this site is going to be too old for DiCaprio.
After the video Kowalski posted, I don't want to hear Mana again.