MovieChat Forums > samoanjoes > Replies
samoanjoes's Replies
2 or 3 years ago.
Sausage Fest
Chris Columbus hated him and didn't direct Christmas Vacation because of it.
Only at funeral homes.
I don't understand why they don't just say part 2 is a new season.
It's against the rules.
He blows.
This is a joke.
Were they swordfighting?
I wouldn't be climbing with Kowalski in the first place.
A funnier way to put this is:
Title: 123 guy hits 7000 posts.
The hospital bills are going to cost a lot.
I will not stand for this Picard dissing. Let me get a chair so I can complain comfortably.
Paper or plastic, by the end of it all, the person using it sucks.
No, he definitely was knot.
She's way too happy for someone about to die on a mountain.
Not offended, but just not funny.
Brian Knows Babes
It's funny how I can tell exactly what she was thinking in the process.
I pulled my phone away expecting to see something. I'm so confused.
I was expecting something like Badass Karate Boy.