MovieChat Forums > kspkap > Replies

kspkap's Replies

This child did not deserve this. It’s heartbreaking a child was so bullied she felt this was the only way to solve the situation. I support the deportations of the illegals as we have laws against illegal entry. If her parents are illegals they should have been deported immediately. That little girl would be alive today if the laws against entering our country illegally were enforced. With that said the kids who bullied her should be expelled. If the brats without souls kid’s parents were aware of their kids doing such heinous actions they should be held accountable along with the school. There is no excuse for this behavior. It’s been going on for decades. Most of the mass school shootings have been committed by kids who have been bullied. This poster always manages to blame “Make America Great Again” voters for nefarious deeds. Where is the info this was done by “Make America Great Again” kids. Rorikon, you don’t live in our country so it would be great if you would shut up about Trump voters. You don’t have to deal with or don’t care about how much it’s costing taxpayers to be over run by illegals. BTW, they are NOT immigrants…they are illegals or aliens. Finally, I for one will NOT blame this little girl’s parents for this tragedy. The guilty are the kids who bullied her. They are responsible for her death. I wasn’t the one who wrote the following: <i>” Iffffff Americans were fully vaccinated, there wouldn't be any kind of problem with diseases brought in, because Americans wouldn't get sick.”</i> Then later the same person wrote the following: <i>”How often does one have to repeat that a vaccination doesn't prevent infection? Never ment to, never has, never will.”</i> Hmm? Definitely a head scratcher… <i>” Iffffff Americans were fully vaccinated, there wouldn't be any kind of problem with diseases brought in, because Americans wouldn't get sick.”</i> Vaccinations are a preventative. They are not a guarantee against a disease just as the false belief if fully vaccinated against Covid people won’t get it. Some continue to get Covid over and over. Those who were vaccinated years ago for what we referred to as the “childhood” diseases (I’ve had all of them) can still acquire the diseases. Several years ago I visited my physician to get the whooping cough vaccination even though I had been vaccinated for it decades ago. It was rearing its ugly head against us older folks. So was Shingles for those who had Chickenpox. I requested and received the Shingles vaccine. There again I know people who’ve had the vaccine and are still getting Shingles. Currently TB (tuberculosis) is also rearing its ugly head. <i>”The number of reported tuberculosis (TB) disease cases and incidence rate increased in 2023 for the third year since 2020, surpassing pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels.”</i> Your assumption Americans wouldn’t get sick if fully vaccinated…doesn’t hold water. Are you aware that <i>”Smallpox is the only human disease to be eradicated. However, a new report, Future State of Smallpox Medical Countermeasures, from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) argues that the U.S. and the global community should prepare for smallpox to make a return.”</i> <i>”Diseases don't respect borders”</i> You are correct, but stopping the illegals from jumping our border and waving them on would definitely help in curbing those diseases. We are not the world’s caretakers…or we weren’t at one time. NO THEY ARE NOT! Just the Covid vax. More & more schools are not requiring it so federal funding is being stopped. When my girls started school I had to show documentation they were fully vaccinated. Not so these days with illegals coming from 3rd world countries and the Biden administration waving them on in. It’s no wonder diseases are once again rearing their ugly heads. And Leftists LOVE illegals with diseases! On another topic: <i>“The Biden-Harris Administration was actively destroying the records of federal employees at the CDC in blatant violation of the law–and we are pleased that the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has ordered a stop to their illegal conduct,” said America First Legal executive director Gene Hamilton. U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras, an Obama appointed federal judge ruled Friday in an order mandating the CDC to stop the practice.”</i> Karma is a bitch! <i>”Where is your outrage at the thousands who violently stormed the capitol to over throw the results of properly certified election…”</i> See below: kspkap (13618) 10 days ago <i>”It’s very disappointing Trump gave pardons or commutations to those Jan. 6 protesters/rioters who assaulted police officers. I voted again for Trump, but doing what he did leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I cannot side with Trump over this action. He should have done what both he and Vance said they were going to do. The pardons/commutations would be done on a “case by case” inspection.”</i> BTW, was it necessary to shoot and kill the woman who broke glass to gain entrance to the inner chambers of the Capitol? Due to Jan. 6, 2021 all was forgotten regarding the domestic terrorism perpetrated on this country and on those who were murdered in 2020. As wrong as Jan. 6 was, it doesn’t compare to what we witnessed in 2020 which also should be classified as insurrections. I’m for it as long as we don’t put “boots on the ground”! The use of drones (Obama’s choice) should be the weapons if invasion is the goal. We’ve left enough blood in that region in an attempt to overtake them. <i>” I don't deny that left wing terrorism etc exists.”</i> Sorry, I missed that statement as I did a cursory read in order to locate your quoted stats on the abominations of the far left. I was unable to find any yet you didn’t lack links for the far right abominations. Most of your links, btw, came from left wing organizations such as the ADL which as I wrote prior is a sham. Another is the ACLU. Not once did you comment about the links I provided in reference to the far left doing their bit to make life miserable for conservative thinkers and speakers at universities. Throwing things at the speakers and running them off the stage followed by book burnings and buildings. Shades of the new Youth Brown Shirts and others dressed in black. This is Antifa. Where is your outrage over a left winger knocking an elderly man off his bike, throwing his bike and warning the man “To stay down old man if you know what’s good for you!”? Where is your outrage over an sob pulling an innocent out of his truck and using the innocent man’s head as a soccer ball? As far as my comment “I will chastise the wrong actions of the far right.” I will when I know of any. It shouldn’t take long to be become aware due to your belief most Americans are right wingers out to do terrorist actions…excuse me are threats. <i>”You seem stuck on this idea that so long as the government pronounces something, it's by definition right and good.”</i> Thank you! You conveyed what I was attempting to say in much fewer words. My verbosity gets the better of me most of the time. I’ve noticed and will point out the problem with your replies. You relish the “Gotcha” moments. It’s all about the points you make and your attempt to outlast us. You never acquiesce to the facts we present. During this current back & forth subject not once have you admitted we also have problems with the far left extremists. It’s only been about the eeevil far right and the links you provide to justify your statements. You jumped on my statement regarding the year 2020 was the year of the far left extremist’s atrocities. Not a word from you in reference to the far left’s actions through the years. When I modified my statement by the addition of Jan.6, 2021 you had that “Gotcha” moment. This is the difference between you and me. I will chastise the wrong actions of the far right. Your statement <i>”For the record, to save any insinuation, I condemn all violence and terrorism, from wherever it comes.”</i> doesn’t work without some mention and chastisement of the far left’s actions. <i>” Far-Right Attacks in the West Surge 320% Over Last 5 Years”</i> All I can say is I pray that info is wrong. I will inquire though where are the stats of the far left groups? Referring back to my statement <i>”100 percent of terrorism in 2020 was committed by left wing Antifa and BLM radicals”</i>, except for the Jan.6, 2021 protesters/rioters all we witnessed on TV in 2020 were the far left extremists burning our cities, assaulting and murdering innocent people, attacking law enforcement, taking control of roadways, infringing on people’s rights, etc. Do you recall <b>”The summer of love”</b>response from city leaders? I lived during the ‘60’s when the far left were bombing buildings, such as the <i>”Weather Underground which declared war against the U.S. government and carried out a campaign of political violence.”</i> <b>” Far-Left Extremist Groups in the United States”</b> Edit: I’m not referring to threats. To repeat I was referring to year 2020 when our cities were burning and innocent people were being murdered. A “ Threat Assessment” is just that…a threat. I don’t know enough about those threats turning to action without doing research on the subject so I won’t comment on your supposed stats. I zeroed in on 2020 due to the fact we viewed domestic terrorism on TV day after day being perpetrated by Antifa and BLM. Do you have links referring to Homeland Security’s comments about those incidents? About Portland being overtaken by domestic terrorists? About innocents in Portland being assaulted by left-wingers in Portland? I doubt you have links due to the fact the FBI in 2020 was under the thumbs of left-wingers. BTW, don’t bring that leftist group, the ADL into the conversation. That bunch is so far down the leftist rabbit hole to the point they will never be able to crawl out. The ADL is a sham organization just as Antifa and the BLM are. They are “wolves in sheep’s clothing”. As in Germany, crime against “infidels” increased exponentially via rape and stabbings. The infiltrators cordoned off areas from the rest of the country in order to live by their own laws. Each country’s law enforcement did not police those areas. I don't know what the numbers are like in Germany, probably similar, but in the US something like 100 percent of terrorism in 2020 was committed by left wing Antifa and BLM radicals. When liberal Angela Merkel opened the door to one million (1,000,000) Muslims Germany was forever changed…and not to the good. The EU reminds me of a honky-tonk tune “No Balls At All”. When a country has an “open door” policy and sanctuary cities there’s going to be problems. It’s too late for the EU, but thank the Good Lord we have Donald Trump, although I disagreed with him when he pardoned/commuted the sentences of known protesters/rioters who assaulted our police officers. Who are you to tell the wealthy how much they are permitted to make. Why should they have to pay a “wealth tax” for working hard in order to achieve their wealth. You do realize most of very wealthy are benefactors who fund hospital wings, endowments for college tuition, provide jobs, grants for various institutions, etc. <b>” Meet the American Billionaires Who Are Giving the Most Money Away”</b> <b>”How America's Most Generous Philanthropists Are Giving Big”</b> Clue me in. What did I do? Name the wrong person? I did an Edit and admitted the error. A very sensible suggestion which would lead to a resolute solution. Were they complicit? If so, they should be held accountable. Also, it could prove a set-up. A set up to damage Trump and his supporters. If that security person had shot and killed a Black woman there would be hell to pay. Yes, she broke the glass to gain entrance which was a criminal wild ass moment, but she didn’t need to be shot to contain her. It was akin to Michael Brown so where is the outrage and riots? White people don’t normally riot and burn cities, the stores where their grandmothers walk to for shopping. Fair minded people have to agree the Jan 6 protesters/rioters were treated far more harshly than the protesters/rioters which primarily include Black folks. Edit: Made error. I meant Michael Brown not George Foreman. Posters such as Roricon sees Trump and us in the same camp as NAZIS & Hitler. I believe his mentality died a while back.- Due to us being voters of President Trump they have to justify their reasonings.